Failure, it happens. Everything you had planned for your life is falling apart. Every little thing you worked so hard for is crumbling beneath your feet. What did you do wrong? Why did you fail? What do you do now? Do you just give up?
This is not the end of the world. Your story is not over. This ending is just the beginning of the next chapter in the book called your life. You have a few choices: the first one is to pick yourself up and try again. You have worked incredibly hard. Why should you quit now? Try again. Try so many times that your perseverance confuses the rest of the world. Failure does not mean you have to change directions; it is only a little bump in the road. Prove your dedication, jump right back up and try again.
Your next option is to move on toward your next adventure. Sometimes failure means you are on the wrong life path. Is this really what you were meant to do with your life? If you repeatedly try to make something work, and it never does, sometimes that can be a sign to move on. What is your next step? Where do you go now? What is your true calling?
The last option is to fall apart and muddle in your failure. I do not advise this; it won’t get you anywhere. When you let failure win, you stop your life in its tracks. You will never get anywhere if you don’t try. Prove that you are stronger than your struggles, and conquer them!
This failure is just the beginning of your next great adventure. You may fail, but without the failure, you may never become the person you were meant to be. You will do many great things with your life! This is not the end of your story but simply the next chapter in your book. Where will you go next?
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance” (Alan W. Watts).