Failing at A.D.U.L.T.H.O.O.D | The Odyssey Online
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Failing at A.D.U.L.T.H.O.O.D

"They're just teenagers", to "Act like an Adult"

Failing at A.D.U.L.T.H.O.O.D
Kase Doner

A - Anxiety, is a feeling of uneasiness and worry, usually generalized and unfocused as an overreaction to a situation that is only subjectively seen as menacing. Anxiety plagues us all as new young adults, stressing over everything, constantly afraid of failure or judgment of others. Anxiety sucks but it's as unavoidable as seeing your ex on the street and having to ask how they are.

D - Diet, the use of specific intake of nutrition for health or weight-management reasons. Don't act like you haven't tried one, with all the stresses in this life, weight gain is always right around the corner. We always tell ourselves to eat healthy, until giving up the next day and stress eating pizza and ice cream at midnight.

U - Unknown, not known within the range of one's knowledge, experience, or understanding. Great, we don't know how to do a lot of things, let alone our own taxes. Thanks high school for teaching us such great life skills, like quantitative methods and stoichiometry.

L - Love, a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person. If every family member could lay off about why we haven't found a significant other that would be great. It's not that we're not all trying; we're just sarcastic, addicted to our real true love, coffee, and sometimes socially awkward.

T - Time Management is the ability to use one's time effectively or productively. You're kidding right? Between class, a part time job, a social life, actual sleep (not a 10 minute power nap), and "Building a Resume"; we are supposed to manage all that wisely, but did you see that Netflix got the entire series of House of Cards? Because we did and we're on the final season.

H - Help, the action of helping someone to do something; assistance. Being raised well, we're always offering a helping hand to our friends and sometimes strangers. At some point we all need someone else's help and learning to ask for help is a huge part of growing up. Whether it's having to go pick up your drunk friends from a party they got stranded at, too lending a friend a few bucks to help them through the week. Other times the roles are reversed.

O - Overspending, spending more than the expected or allotted amount. Money management is harder when you have bills to pay and your parents aren't around. So, yeah that overdraft fee that came in for the second time this semester, yeah we really needed those concert tickets because everyone was going and staying behind alone was not an option.

O - Occupation, a job or profession. What's your degree in? Where do you want to work? How do you plan on working there? Are you working anywhere now? Well we don't know because we've changed our major three times, we have no idea where we want to work, probably somewhere that makes good money and we can enjoy work. We're filling out applications and just praying for calls back. Yes, we're working now, how else do you think we put gas in our vehicle.

D - Dreams, contemplating the possibility of doing something or that something might be the case. We have these dreams of a perfect life that we're striving to create; some of us have dreams to change the world, become famous, or conquer the corporate monopoly. Whatever our dreams are they help push us and shape the decisions we make and we don't really care if you think we are wrong.

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