If you are anything like me, you are very hard on yourself. When it comes to my grades I am extremely hard on myself and always try to push myself to achieve the best grades I can have. That all changed last semester when I stopped pushing myself, stopped caring for a class and ultimate failed said class. Shocker.
I really did try at the beginning of the class and when I started to fall behind I let myself sink. It was not the brightest decision by any means and I have never checked out of a class like that. It came back to bite me in the butt when I saw that F on my transcript and a lower GPA. Once again shocker.
I cried. Cried in the shower, in my bed, to my mom. But I was not crying because I failed the class, I was crying because of my disappointment in myself. I knew that I could of tried harder and I chose not to. I was also crying because I knew my family was disappointed in me. They did not yell or scream because they knew I was going to be hard enough on myself.
Once the tears dried and I collected myself I came to the conclusion that I only had myself to blame and I had 100% learned my lesson.
I thought that I had failed as a college student and that I had messed up my future (a bit dramatic) and screwed up my GPA forever.
That was far from the case.
I am retaking the class with a completely different attitude. I am focusing all I can into the class knowing that I am able to achieve a passing grade if I put the effort into it.
I came into college with the notion that I would never fail a class or never receive a low grade and that is just not the case. Because even in classes I try my very best in, I still struggle. College is hard. One semester might be the best thing to ever happen to you, while the next slaps you off that pedestal real fast. I am not saying college is not enjoyable, but, it defiantly has its 'boohoo' moments.
Bottom line is, failing a class isn't enjoyable or something to be proud off, well in my case it wasn't. But, it was not the end of the world, and especially not the end of my college career. I learned from it and now I know I can not just check out of classes when I fall behind. I have to buckle down and work for the grade I want and deserve.
If you have ever failed a class, just know the end it not coming and the sun will still rise the next morning. You will be able to achieve the grade you want if you ask for the help you need and try your best.