The second semester is in full swing and it's time to get serious about classes. Maybe you're already behind, and that's ok. It's never too late to get organized and get cracking on assignments.
School can be really stressful, and it can easily feel like there is no way you can get good grades in all your classes. Guess what, it's not as hard as it sounds! I'm here to give you 10 things NOT to do if you want to pass all your classes with flying colors this semester.
1. Skip class
Participation points are the easiest points to get, so don't miss out on them! You really do just have to show up to class. You don't even need to pay attention to get these points. It's that easy.
2. Turn in assignments late
I mean, better late than never, but really, just don't turn in late work. Plan your time well and try your best to get all assignments in before the midnight due dates. It's SO worth it.
3. Don't turn in assignments at all
Turning work in late is better than not turning it in at all. There are usually not very many grades for a single class, so missing an assignment will significantly drop your grade. Please, turn in assignments. Always.
4. Ignore the class forums
As much as class forum responses threaten to kill me, I still do them. They are a pain, I know, but they are points. You need points. Don't ignore the forums.
5. Stay up late every night
Sleep is so, so, so, so important. Sleep fuels you and recharges you. Try your best to get to sleep at a reasonable time every night, especially if you have early morning classes.
6. Only study the night before the test
No. Study days before the test if you can. Cramming is great and all, but not super helpful when it comes to really retaining information.
7. Don't take study breaks
As easy as it is to believe that you should just power through and study all night, remember to take the occasional break. Giving your mind a chance to rest, will actually help you learn better.
8. Don't drink water
Please drink water. Water is life. Water literally heals most things and helps your body function correctly. Drink lots of water. Really.
9. Only eat junk food
In addition to drinking water, you should also eat healthily. It's way easier to not eat healthily, but it's so much better for your mind and body to eat healthy food. It will most definitely help you study better.
10. Work alone
Study buddies are the best! If you can get a group together to study, that's great! Studying alone is fine some of the time, but often working together can help you learn better.