Fads From 2015: Keep Or Leave?
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Fads From 2015: Keep Or Leave?

10 fads that are either good or bad. Who knows?

Fads From 2015: Keep Or Leave?

As 2015 comes to a close, we are all looking back on the year and wondering, "What was I thinking?" We have all done it, and this year is no exception. There are so many bad haircuts, breakups and everything in between that I am sure no one wants to remember. There are also many thing, fads I should say, that we want to leave behind. A fad is an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived and without basis in the object's qualities like bell bottom jeans and platform shoes. There are so many fads from 2015 that I know we could all live without and should just get rid of them. But there are also some fads that are going to stick and some that are actually pretty cool. Should we leave these fads in 2015 or take them with me, let's figure it out.

1. Crocs!

For some odd reason, Crocs have made a huge comeback recently. They are everywhere: in schools, in coffee shops, in the general public. Crocs should really just be worn to the beach by little children or by elderly women who garden. You should not wear your Crocs to school every day and you should definitely not add the little charms onto them—they are not cool. If you can't tell, I am not a huge fan of these so-called shoes, but I will say that some of them have their purposes, for little kids and the elderly.

Leave in 2015 or Not: Leave!

2. Beards

Now beards are something that have been around forever but in the past year, there has been an increase in beards, not that I am complaining. I am all for a little five o'clock shadow or a nice trimmed beard, but I don't really enjoy a long, thick beard. Those can stay in 2015, but if you can rock it then don't let anyone hate on you. Some people like beards, some people don't, but I can tell you that this fad is here to stay, at least for a long while.

Leave in 2015 or Not: Not. This will continue forever.

3. Jelly Shoes

These shoes were really big in the '90s, and I know for sure that I had a pair when I was a kid. But now, apparently, they are making a huge comeback. The shoes were actually really big in the 1980s but they kept coming back and now, I guess they are popular again. They are called jellies because they are made of plastic and they look like jelly. I don't really see the allure to them, but I guess they could be cool.

LEAVE in 2015 or not: It could go both ways, it really is a toss up.

4. "Bae"

This is not an object or a fashion trend, it is more of a saying. Bae means "before anyone else," and it is an affectionate term for your significant other like babe or sweetheart. The groups that uses this term the most are the teens and the young adults. Grownups really don't want to use a phase that they don't really understand. The word was all the rage and cute for a while, but then it seemed to lose its popularity. So, is this little term of endearment going to stay or not?

Leave in 2015 or Not: Leave in 2015.

5. Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge.

Now we know all about Kylie and her lips. So many people have tried the Kylie Jenner lip challenge hoping to get her lips naturally, but many failed. Most people have ended up hurting themselves instead of getting what they wanted, while Kylie admitted to having lip fillers, people still wanted to get her lips naturally. Now she is selling her lip kit so that you can use makeup to at least pretend to have her lips. All I can say is that this lip challenge hurt people more than it helped.

Leave in 2015 or Not: Leave in 2015 for sure. Bye!

6. Smart Watches

Smart watches came out in the past couple of years, and they are really starting to get out there. It is a good idea I am not going to lie, having a smaller phone on your wrist is very helpful especially when you can't use your phone. Apple came out with their Apple watch and then after, that the major companies like Samsung have tried to come up with their own version. They can be useful at times, so I am not sure where they will go.

Leave in 2015 or Not: Not—they are here to stay, at least for a while.

7. Eyebrows on Fleek

Now Cara Delevingne is probably the best example of the new eyebrow thing. The big thing now is to fill in your eyebrows like she does in the picture above. It is supposed to look natural but sometimes it doesn't always turn out that way. The eyebrow fad could honestly continue forever, but one thing about this that won't continue is shading them in too dark—that is not something that you should ever do or else you might end up with the Nike swish for eyebrows instead.

Leave in 2015 or Not: Maybe, but I think it will carry over.

8. Tied Flannels

Now, I love wearing a flannel on a chilly day, but this seems a little excessive. What point does this serve, do you plan on wearing the shirt later or what? I mean don't get me wrong, it is really cute but I just don't understand. The only thing that I have tied around my waist is my jacket when I was in grade school, and I planned on wearing it later. This fad is cute, but I'm just not sure what purpose this serves.

Leave in 2015 or Not: I think it is time to leave this in the past.

9. Man Bun

Man Buns became so in this year, and I am not sure how I feel about them. I think that if you can pull it off then good for you, but some people just can't do it. A lot of people love it and if you look at the picture above then I can see why, the bun isn't too high and that guy just looks so good I don't really mind it. The man bun can get really out of hand, though. Some guys take it too far, and that is when I don't know if I like it or not, but I think that it will be back in 2016.

Leave in 2015 or Not: Not—see you in 2016, man bun!

10. The Lob or Long Bob

Long hair is always in, but lately shorter hair is the new thing. I cant say it's bad because I quite like the way the lob or long bob looks. It is a medium hair cut but it looks like a bob yet it looks long at the same time and you can do more with this hairstyle. The thing to do with this hairstyle is to curl it loosely and then it will be perfect. I know that this fad is here to stay, and I really hope it does.

Leave in 2015 or Not: Definitely not—the lob is forever.

Those are only a few of the fads that came and went in 2015. Although 2015 is almost over I'm sure that we will see something come out and either last or fail. We will just have to wait and see. Maybe 2016 will have some really good trends that will last for a long time. Enjoy these fads while they last and happy New Year!

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