Today our American Culture is full of Social Justice Warriors (SJW) who demand safe spaces, trigger warnings, and that their feelings do not get hurt. It is time for a wake up call, not only for SJWs, but for everyone on the political left and everyone with thin skin when it comes to things like science and observable evidence. That wake up call is this: Facts do not, never have, and never will, care about your feelings.
The thing about facts is that they are unbiased. Facts are based on undeniable things like science and observable evidence. This means that they cannot be biased toward one side or another and still be a fact. This needs to be clarified because what happens today is that someone on the left, and occasionally this happens on the right as well, is presented with a fact that disagrees with them, that fact gets a little asterisk by it. That asterisk means that fact must be biased or somehow skewed or just plain not true.
Today leftists say “well that might be your truth, but it’s not my truth.” The fact is that truth is truth, not yours or mine or Obama’s or Bush’s. The problem with that is pretty evident, when we as an individual, and especially as a society, begin fabricating different types of truth, actual truth gets lost.
Right now in America we live in a society where if someone on the left doesn’t like what you’re saying they will call you one name or another, usually sexist or racist or a homophobe. This happens a lot when facts come into the discussion, particularly facts that don’t line up with their skewed leftist point of view.
For example, according to Pew Research Center, which is a nonpartisan and non-advocacy research platform, Muslims worldwide want Sharia Law to be the official law of their respective countries. Bring this fact up to any leftist who knows about Sharia Law and exactly what it entails, and you are most likely going to be called a bigoted Islamaphobe.
Another point that leftists around America love to say but hate to debate is the Gender Wage Gap. According to leftists, women are making 77 cents to a man’s dollar, which is unfair. But the fact is that as of 2012, again according to Pew Research Center, women now make 84% of what men make, and younger women (under 30) make 93%. While this is still less than what a man makes, 77% is a far cry from the factual statistic of 93%. Bringing this point up will almost definitely get you labelled as a sexist.
The problem is this: When someone on the left is presented with factual data that disagrees with what they have been indoctrinated to believe, their only response is to negatively label whoever is presenting the information.
This reason that leftists reject these facts and others is because they say it hurts their “feelings.” That shouldn’t matter, because feelings do not dictate what happens in life.
Leftists want to replace facts with political correctness, and that simply cannot happen if we want America to continue to grow as a nation. Think about this, leftists: If political correctness was all that mattered, we never would have seen things like the civil rights movement or the women’s suffrage movement happen, because at that time, for a black person or for a woman to speak out about anything.
It was the Constitution, which you leftists so proudly and vehemently abhor, which gave these groups of people the rights that they now enjoy. It is also the First Amendment which allows you to not only disagree with but also express your opinions on these facts, this blog post, and literally whatever you choose.
But whatever your feelings may be, about anything written here or elsewhere, they do not outweigh any facts included. This entire culture of feelings over facts has to stop, or the very right we have to express our feelings will be taken away under the guise of “political correctness.” Facts are comprised of observable evidence, and they don’t care about your feelings.