Living in a small town has their pros and cons. If you're anything like me you love the town you live in most of the time. Other times you just wanna do whatever you have to do to get out of there! Here's a list of a few things you might know if you live in a small town like me:
1. You know everyone and everyone knows you.
Well they think they know you anyway....
2. A fun day is driving 20 miles to the nearest Walmart.
Whether you're alone or with your friends it's fun.. don't lie. Plus you get to jam out.
3. Everyone sits in a parking lot to "hang out"
Whether it's IGA parking lot, Walmart, or even Piggly Wiggly. Worst thing is we actually think it is fun!!
4. As well as the sonic.
Sorry I had to put them in it.....
5. Everyone went to the same Mexican restaurant,
For starters, who doesn't LOVE Mexican food?
6. If you pass someone you know when driving, you always throw your hand up to wave.
It's just part of the southern hospitality.
7. But if its your best friend you crazy wave.
I mean it's your best friend.
8. You only have one stop light in town.
I mean the town isn't big enough for too...
9. And it's a normal thing for you to get stuck behind a tractor.
I'd rather it be a tractor jam.
10. Most Saturdays were spent cutting grass.
I mean we are some grass cutting people in the South. LOL
11. Everyone wants to leave the town.
Between the drama and the rumors who wouldn't wanna leave?
12. But few actually do...
(Because they don't want to)