A banner is a hallowed thing that has been around for a large number of years around the globe. The hues and images of each banner pass on the thoughts, aspirations and estimations of a nation or association. They educate an intriguing account regarding the individuals and countries they speak to and have become a way of conveying messages.
1. Olympic flag
The primary Olympic banner disappeared for a long time after the 1920 games until a 1920 olympian uncovered he'd had it in his bag the entire time.
2. Denmark flag
Denmark's banner is the most seasoned banner right now being used, planned in 1219 and unaltered since.
3. Twin flags
Haiti and Liechtenstein found they had some way or another planned an indistinguishable international flag, which was a little off-kilter when the two of them went up to the 1936 function. Haiti has since added a peak to their's to forestall further humiliation.
4. Identical designs and patterns of neighbors
The banners of Australia and New Zealand are so comparable, the Prime Minister of Australia was welcomed with the banner of New Zealand on a state visit to Canada in 1984.
5. Big flags
During ceasefire talks among North and South Korea, the two parties would attempt to bring a greater national banner than the other to each gathering. This went on until an exceptional gathering was called to address the size of the banners, as they could not, at this point, fit in the room.
6. AK - 47
The banner of Mozambique has an AK-47 on it which stands for defense and vigilance.
7. American state flags
Texas is the main state where residents likewise promise faithfulness to the state banner while the California state flag, which is also known as the Bear Flag, was named fully expecting harsh Mexican guidelines over the Free and Sovereign State of California.
8. Moon flag
The nylon American banner planted on the moon during Apollo 11 cost $5.50, and it was thumped over by exhaust from the Lunar Module's rising, and is probably going to have broken down by four many years of warmth, UV beams and radiation