This isn't going to be some typical post about "What I learned after my First Semester" because, in reality, everything changes. You won't be the same person you were when you first moved in, and that's totally okay. I'm going to differentiate between fact and fiction. Right before college, I was terrified of what was to come based on Snapchats or Instagram posts I've seen. Would I even make friends? Would I fit in? How bad is it to actually shower with shoes? Well, I'm gonna tell ya.
1. "Once I go away to school, home won't feel the same."
MYTH- From my experience, home felt even more special. Enjoy the time you have at home because while it's a completely different life compared to at school, it's where you're from and has shaped you immensely.
2. "Freshman 15."
TRUTH- While it may not be exactly 15 pounds, it's still real. Watch what you eat because dining hall food is not the best. (Take advantage of home cooked meals when you can.) Drinking is also a killer. DO NOT DRINK YOUR CALORIES! Also, gym memberships are free through the school, so just use it.
3. "Friendships from home will be the same"
MYTH- Personally, my friendships from home have changed. You are both moving forward as people and find new things and friends. Interests change. It's okay.
4. "Frat guys suck."
MYTH- Okay, this isn't a complete myth. Some do suck. Find the ones that don't.
5. "If you don't join a sorority or frat, you're nothing."
MYTH- Especially on this campus, there is plenty to do. Everyone has their own fun. Join a club, go bowling. Live your life how you want to. That being said, joining Greek life is fun, too. You do you.
6. "The transition is hard."
TRUTH- High school did not prepare me in the slightest. Study days in advance, not just the night before. Do your homework. GO TO LECTURES.
7. "You'll meet some of your closest friends."
TRUTH- I have met incredible people here. These are the friends I've stayed up all night talking about anything and everything with. These are the friends I've had mental breakdowns with. These are the friends I've laughed so hard I've cried with. Be grateful for them; they'll be in your life for a long time.