To the girl who has been cheated on:
Trust is a hard thing to come by. It is something that isn’t just given away easily…well in my book at least. Now to this day, I have always wondered, do we give trust away right away or do we let someone earn it. My philosophy use to be that we give it away and trust that person until proven wrong. Needless to say, I follow the other philosophy of letting someone earn it after a few incidences.
The first thing that broke down my trust with people was when my boyfriend at the time had cheated on me. The worst feeling in the world of not feeling good enough. When someone you put so much into and so much time into goes and does that, it is as if you don’t know what you can handle. You become unsure of what it is you saw in that person and if you will ever be cheated on again. This brings me to the second worst feeling…having to compete for someone to love you. I know I know now that I was too good for this. I should never have to compete for someone. That person should love me and if they have to think twice then they aren’t good enough for me and I am better than that. You. Yes you…if a guy ever puts you in this position you WALK AWAY. I was dumb these past few months and put faith into something that was never going to change. I was the girl that thought he would change when his feelings were still there for his ex. I am not saying eventually I can’t be a friend to this guy, but right now I need time & space. That relationship was so unhealthy and not good for a soul that was already fragile. My mother always said and I follow it to this day, “make yourself a priority, never an option.”
These are things that can damage a girl’s soul. But it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have trust in the people who care and love you. The people that stand by your side no matter what and care about you during your highs and lows are the ones that we as human beings should put our trust in. As for the boys…I mean all I can say is this is why girlfriends were invented. To get you through this. Yes girlfriends are amazing but for real real advice, I am a believer that you have a soul mate and that eventually you will have an equal that will love you just as much as you love them. I believe in the good guy that will help you get rid of those trust issues. I believe that he will help you and give you faith that not all men are like that. There is the prince charming and he may not even be someone you expected to be your prince charming. He will whisk you off your feet and give you the attention you deserve.
I am not completely there with having trust in people…it is a day by day process for me but I am a believer that I will get there and I will be happy and as will you. I am now that positive girl, not the one with trust issues. And for the guy I can always count on…that would be my daddy, the goofy mafia up there, thank you for the laughter and fun sports, love and all those stubborn talks.