Ever seen someone's face and thought, "Damn, now that's a face I would eat." Well, there is one man in particular that stands out that goes by the name of Noah Maloney. He has vowed to eat a picture of Jason Segel every day until Segel returns the favor.
Why is he doing this you ask? Well, he simply told Vice that he thought Segel was a good actor and that this act is not fueled by anything in particular. So below is list I have compiled of faces that I would eat.
Steve Buscemi: He just has a face that begs to be eaten. I feel like he would completely understand why someone would need to do such a pointless thing. Heck, maybe he would be flattered.
Hillary Clinton: Since Clinton is all about fitting in with the cool kids, I feel as if she would condone someone eating a picture of her face. Lets be real, it would be more entertaining than all the political garbage already out there.
Charlie Sheen: Now this would be an interesting face to consume. He already has a lot on his plate, someone eating a picture of his face would be the least of his concerns.
Donald Trump: If Trump wasn't included in this trend, I feel as if he would get personally offended and blow up Twitter. Also, does the president have time to acknowledge these kinds of things? Probably.
Daniel Radcliffe: Look at that face. It would be rude to not eat a copied picture of that face. If he has a "Cards Against Humanity" card about him, he might as well be part of this trend. He may even feel inclined to sign it.
Kim Kardashian: The Kardashians have always been relevant for some reason and since this random act of eating pictures of people's faces has become popular, Kim or another Kardashian would surely hop on this face eating train. Plus, any publicity is good publicity.