For the last two years, I have worked at an early education center. For the majority of my time I have worked with toddlers and, let me tell you, they are a lot of work. It takes so much patience and humility to work with them daily; toddlers are very draining. While 16 toddlers among 4 adults sounds like a walk in the park, it is not.
For any one who has ever worked in an early education center, these faces of Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo will look too familiar:
1. When you walk into the classroom on a Monday morning hoping for a good day:
2. You after a long break from seeing your kids:
3. You when your one quiet kid decides to let loose and scream:
Child why?!
4. You during nap time when the kids who won't sleep start talking loudly:
5. Your face when you see a kid made a huge, hard-to-clean-up mess:
6. One of the many faces you make so the kids will laugh:
7. Your face when the kids dress you up:
8. Your face when a child's parent is being unnecessarily picky:
9. Your face when you have one of their songs stuck in your head:
10. Your face when you get home:
11. Your face when you see your kids again because, let's face it, you love them:
I'm not a fan of Ro but you have to admit he has the best facial expressions and the cutest son, not to mention he is very attractive.