Breaking up sucks, and it's even worse when you have to be constantly reminded of it on your social media feed. After all, who really wants to see their ex's new rebound while scrolling through Facebook? Although you may not want to unfriend or block your ex, you can now digitally distance yourself from them thanks to Facebook's new update.
Facebook has just recently announced its new innovative way to help people get over their break-ups easier and quicker. Now, Facebook offers its users the option of a middle ground between staying Facebook friends and seeing their name still pop up everywhere vs. completely blocking them out of their life and never seeing their name or posts again.
According to the company, Facebook will now provide the opportunity for its users to "see less" from a specific person after changing their relationship status to "single." This will limit what you see from them and what they see from you. On another screen, you can choose to maintain your current privacy settings, or you can choose to hide your posts from the person in question. Not to mention, Facebook also offers its users to delete old photos of the couple. Facebook will now let you go back through your previous posts and adjust the privacy associated with each or untag yourself from them. This is now the online equivalent to burning old pictures. So basically, all your ex would see are the posts you’ve explicitly tagged them in, those you’ve shared publicly, or those shared on mutual friends’ Timelines. This option also limits their ability to see some of the posts you’re tagged in, as well, even when those weren’t items you posted.
This concept of "seeing less" helps the two individuals have a sense of space, virtually, post-break-up. So even if one does decide to maliciously post a picture or status regarding the break-up, the other will not even have to see it.
The best part is your ex will never even be notified you’re making these changes, either. This makes it a lot easier now since before if you wanted to un-friend or block someone, they would eventually realize or find out.
Not only can this new tool of adjusting the privacy of your posts help you after a break up but it will especially come in handy when a new flame enters your life. Now your ex cannot scour through all their pictures and stalk the two of you.
These new settings will soon be found in the Help Settings on the Facebook network. Facebook will make further adjustments accordingly with positive feedback.
With the intention of these new privacy settings to be regarding post-breakups, this setting can also be handy when posting pictures you may not want certain family members or friends seeing. This new option on Facebook will shine through and better reflect real-world relationships.
For now, Facebook's new update is made for those who do not want to block their ex, but still keep their distance. This new Facebook tool is sure to be of help to many users so thank you, Facebook.