I joined Facebook in 2010 when I was 12 years old. Just like every other kid at that age, I was very concerned with how many people I was friends with on the site. I made sure to add all of my family, friends and every single one of my classmates so I could brag about how many Facebook friends I had.
If I so much as passed you in the hallway once, I sent you a request.
That's how it worked for the next six years.
Here I am, 20 years old in 2018, and I had a little over 600 virtual friends about a week ago. They were all either people I met in college, other musicians who also did drum corps that I met over the summer, family members, people in my hometown that I grew to know, or some people that I genuinely didn't know.
I had made so many friends over the years and I didn't actually think about how that was going to affect my social media feed.
While I've always been one to respect others' opinions, I noticed that it soon became a problem. I was seeing a ton of content I typically avoided. More and more political posts began to pop up as elections grew closer, and I found myself getting more annoyed with each one that I saw.
So, my solution was to unfollow the people who posted things I didn't like. While it may seem childish, it was a solution that wasn't necessarily permanent.
As time went on, though, I just began to receive more requests from people I didn't know.
We had mutual friends, so I figured there wasn't any reason I shouldn't be friends with them. We're both involved in music, so who knows? We may end up accidentally meeting in the future anyway.
With that mentality, every one random request that was accepted just led to five more. I was soon swamped with unnecessary friends on my list.
Earlier this month, I decided I was going to get more organized, beginning with my social media.
Starting with Facebook, I went through my friends list and unfriended anyone I hadn't met, anyone I didn't remember adding, or anyone who I can't remember when we last spoke. Using those guidelines, I ended up unfriending about a hundred different people, most of them being people I haven't seen since my high school graduation, some of them being people I've never met, and a very small few being close friends I've grown apart from.
This is something that someone might call me childish for doing, but I don't regret it. I've cleared up one of the things that I've been slightly anxious about for a while, and I definitely feel way better about finally doing it. It's opened up the path to a more organized me.