I think we can all agree that things in the past presidential election have gotten out of hand. I've been alive for five elections and have been aware for four, and I have never seen the amount of crazy that came out in the past year and a half.
Just today my mom had to delete my aunt because of attacks on a completely loving post from my aunt's more political friends. What??
I know of people who have not only lost Facebook friends, but real friends as well. This is not ok. When did elections become so emotional? When did the words Democrat and Republican divide this country literally in two?
I think it's insane that two, sane, adult humans cannot have differing political opinions and still remain sane, adult human friends. What ever happened to agreeing to disagree and respecting people's right to their opinion?
When did Republicans become the devil and Democrats become crybabies? I know plenty of people on both sides of the aisle who are awesome, amazing people whom I'm so proud to call my friends. And no, I will not vilify them and call them names on the internet just because they voted for someone I don't like--aka Hilary and Trump--because 1) I don't have time for petty feuds on the internet, and 2) I'm not in middle school.
Here's the deal, we have someone who is going to be our President for the next four years, and not very much is going to change that. So instead of tearing each other apart, let's come together to heal and move forward.
Oh and stay off Facebook.