Have you ever made a careless mistake and then recognize that little sarcastic voice in your head that says something along the lines of, "Wooow, that's cool. Great job." That's me, just about every day. By this point, I take it all with a grain of salt and play it cool. It just means that now I have an amusing story to share and an experience to learn from. And I have embraced the fact that all the dopey, little mistakes I make definitely won't stop in college.
1. I went to the wrong class the first day of classes

I take a seat in the class, eager to discover what pre-modern African history would entail. Then the professors and other students in the class started speaking French. I know, it's a total freshman move. My class schedule was saved on my phone but, of course, I hadn't considered checking an updated schedule which indicated the room number and building had changed. Luckily, I made it swiftly to my actual history class about ten minutes late with only a few vexed looks directed towards me.
2. My first encounter with the washing machine
With confidence, I go to wash my clothes using our residence hall's machine for the first time. It appears that the detergent drawer (and no, I didn't google a diagram of a washing machine to find out the term for this), isn't actually a drawer anymore- just a gaping hole with blue liquid dripping out of it. Like the others before me, I attempt to pour my laundry detergent in the opening without success, as it streams down the side, fusing with the mixture of cleaning agents already there. So I think, "What the hell, I'll just put the detergent in with my clothes." But, without thinking, I had started the cycle and stared hopelessly at my trapped, detergantless clothes. I waited 35 minutes in shame.
3. I locked myself out of my room
At one of the most inconvenient times, I might add. I decide I want to shave my legs before class, which had acquired more leg hair than deemed socially acceptable. I already took a shower, so, logically, I choose to complete this dreaded task in my room.
Half-way through one leg, I contemplate this decision and realize I might as well be in the shower. With only my phone, towel, and razor in hand, I walk out of my room and hear the dreaded *slam* of the door behind me. My roommate is out of town, so I borrow a pair of my suitemates flip-flops and rush down to public safety to get a spare room key. I power walk back to my building, gather my bookbag and belongings, and make it to class in time- with a half-shaved leg.
4. I walked up to the wrong door on the wrong floor
I take the stairs to make myself feel a little less lazy, as I've been to the gym about once since the semester started. Engulfed in something I was reading on my phone, I mindlessly walk onto the second floor. It's not until I reach my destination that I realize the room to my door definitely isn't plastered with scooby doo stickers. I casually walk away and continue up the stairs to the third floor.
5. I attempted to hang up pictures on my wall
On the concrete wall of my dorm, obviously, I can't use thumbtacks. But I don't have any poster putty. The blue masking tape I have readily available is my only option. My strategically placed record albums stayed up for about a minute, then all come crashing to the floor. Epic fail.
Side note: I still haven't made it to the store for poster putty so my concrete wall remains bare until further notice.
6. I slept in past my 8 a.m.
Before I went to sleep, although late, I said to myself, "I AM GETTING UP AND GOING TO CLASS ON TIME." Despite the three alarms I had set on my phone, I was woken up by a much more effective alarm at about 8:30 am. I wake up in confusion, realize the time and give myself a good face-palm. I may have spewed out a few cuss words. I evacuated the building and most definitely missed my class. Oh, and ironically, my 9:30 class I was up late studying for (and what contributed to me over-sleeping) ended up getting canceled. I went back to sleep until my 10:40 in attempts to "restart" my oh-so emotionally taxing morning.
7. I almost wasted myself on the street
If you attend C of C, or have ever visited downtown Charleston, SC, you have the first-hand experience of walking down the especially uneven sidewalks. As I'm trekking down said sidewalk, I see a friend on the other side of the street and go to cross it. I took one wrong step and twisted my ankle sideways, barely able to remain standing.
Naturally, I continue walking like it didn't even happen, even though I'm completely aware of the street full of witnesses. At least I have my good friend laughing at me (and, with me) as I dramatically limp across the street.
8. I missed class because I misread an email
One of my professors sent an email on a Tuesday, reminding us we didn't have class on Thursday. Who wouldn't get overly excited enough to overlook the date, that indicated it was the NEXT Thursday? Well, no changing the past, so at least I could look forward to missing class that day, am I right?
9. I lost my belly button ring down the shower drain
I'm taking a nice, hot shower after an exhausting day, full of procrastination. I look down and realized my belly button ring fell out. I fumbled around and- aha!- I find both pieces of it. I attempt to screw it back in while still standing in the shower, in vain. I drop the metal ball and it rolls down the drain, never to be seen again. I used a small rubber band to hold my ring in place for a good week until I could make it to a piercing shop and get a new one.
10. My first bookbag broke, already
Note to self: don't get a cheap bookbag if you plan on carrying more than 3 large books and a laptop around on the daily. I was in the dining hall when my final zipper gave out, so I had to strategically hair-tie my bookbag shut and make it back to my dorm without having to carry all its contents in my hands. I got a new, sturdy bookbag now though, so it's all good.
11. I failed to check the weather before class
Waking up about 30 minutes before my first class of the day (per usual), I quickly throw on some gym shorts, a T-shirt, a grey sweatshirt, and my white off-brand Vans. As soon as I step out of my building, a torrential downpour begins. You can probably imagine how I felt as I squeaked into my class that day.
12. I lost my ID card
I took walk to the nearest grocery store, about a mile from my residence hall to acquire a broom, dustpan, and other cleaning supplies for my filthy college dorm. I definitely had my card the way there, but how it managed to fall out of my bookbag on the way back to my dorm remains a mystery. It felt useless to retrace my steps in attempts to find it, but what's $20 to get a new one for a broke college kid? Big whoop.
13. I spilled a full cup of coffee in class
More like clumsily knocked the entire plastic cup off the corner of my desk. The lid flew off, and a cascade of brown liquid drenched the floor, as well as the back of one of my classmate's chairs. And another's bookbag. I contemplated walking out and dropping out of the class right then and there.
What's that one law? Oh, Murphy's Quantum Law. It states, "Anything that can, could have, or will go wrong, is going wrong, all at once." It's a little pessimistic, but it definitely feels that this holds true when it's just "one of those days."Despite it all, cheers, to all of these minuscule moments that we as college students, or humans in general, may make. In the moment they can seem humiliating, even mortifying, but just keep laughing through the pain. It's not that serious. Seriously.