I'm sorry if you opened this expecting a sure-fire way to make it through this year. I wish I had one, but I don't. I'm still figuring out how to face the new year myself.
I'm a planner, and if there's one thing chronic illness has taught me--and continues to teach me--it's to "let it happen." I can't control what's going on in my body. Of course, I'm proactive. Of course, I try to take care of myself. But I've had to relinquish control... control I really never had in the first place.
It's hard when everyone around you already seems to know what their plans are for the year. They're making goals for themselves, full of expectation and anticipation over what will happen in the coming months. It's hard when everyone seems to be moving forward, and you still feel like you're slipping backward.
Not that I don't have ideals or aspirations for what the new year will hold. I do. But I can't plan them. I can wish, and I can try, but I have to be okay with them not happening. It's not your normal broken new year's resolution, though. It's a surrender to the unknown. It's putting faith in the One who holds tomorrow instead of trying to make tomorrow happen when and how you want it to.
So, how am I facing the new year? With some trepidation, but also with hope. With hope and faith that God knows what He's doing and that He's never going to abandon me. 2017 will be a chapter in the story He's writing in my life, and it may be another chapter that includes hardship, sadness, or trial, but I know this: 2017 is not the last chapter. The story isn't over yet.
Your story isn't over yet.
While I don't have an actual guide to survival to offer, I do have a few suggestions that may help you face this new year.
First, breathe. Take a deep breath, and keep breathing. All year, no matter what comes, stop and take a deep breath. You'll be able to handle more if you breathe through it.
Now, remember. Remember the past years. You've made it through every year so far! You will make it through this year, too.
And never let go of hope. Keep trying; don't give up. Even if you take every day of 2017 minute by minute, you are taking it! You are doing it! You can always do it.
I hope 2017 brings relief and healing. I hope it's full of joy and good experiences and deep rest. Most of all, though, I pray you learn. I pray you grow. You will not be the same person at the beginning of next year as you are now. In whatever ways you can, make changes for the better. And no matter what, keep hoping.