When times get tough, it is easy to close your eyes and look down on life. I find myself doing that all the time. The second the going gets tough, I just want to completely shut down, curl up in bed, and go to sleep so I no longer have to face the day. Luckily, I was driving home a few weeks ago, and a song that I have heard at least a hundred times finally clicked in my head and completely wrecked my world!
Here’s my challenge to you: When you are down on yourself, immediately grab your phone and look up “Keep Your Eyes Open” by NEEDTOBREATE. I have been a NEEDTOBREATHE fan for as long as I can remember; I listen to their songs daily, they came and performed at our school, yet I’ve never truly heard the message to this song. This song will wreck your world and put so much into perspective.
Here are a few lines that every struggling person should look into:
“Don’t look back the road is long, the first days of the war are gone.”
It is hard to look ahead in life. Unfortunately, the only state that your body exists in is the present, and that present self can only change your future. There is absolutely nothing that you can do on this earth that can change an event that has happened. The road behind is long, and whether it is a good or a bad road, you have to look ahead for what is coming.
“Cause if you never leave home, never let go, you’ll never make it to the GREAT unknown.”
When I first heard this line, I was extremely confused. I often worry about the future and what it holds for me. I want everything in my life to work the way that I want it to; I want things to go perfectly. But by breaking free, you make it to the GREAT unknown. The mystery of what lies before you is so glorious and magnificent. The unknown is so great and glorious because, when you put your complete faith in a completely intangible idea, the reward is so fulfilling.
“Don’t take the sadness to the grave.”
The fact is, we never know when we will take our last breath. We deserve to have every breath encased in happiness. Project happiness into the world, we are not worth of dying with a bitter heart.
“Keep your eyes open.”
When things get bad, resist the urge to jump into bed. Take every day and live it to the best of your ability. When things get bad, KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN and face what is coming for you. Stand up in the fight for your happiness and CHOOSE JOY!