Hello, my name is _________, and I am an extroverting Introvert. What is that? How can that even be? are some questions you may be asking. Well, it's simple. It means that I am a people person who draws their strength from being alone. It's a weird combination for sure, but not impossible. Here are some key things that I want you to know about extroverting introverts.
1. We like people, but not all the time.
People are great! They are fun, and deep and just wonderful! But being with people 24/7 is ridiculous. We need a break every once in a while, because being around people means constantly processing information from words, body language, and creating responses to these things. It's quite the mental workout.
2. Please don't ask us to greet new people all the time.
Whether it's at church, school, or an event, being the greeter is super fun and exciting, but not when it's a constant job position. Meeting new people is cool and a great way to make more connections and friends, but having to always plaster on a smile and say nice things and be only surface level with a person is not that enjoyable.
3. Netflix is great. Please let us watch it in peace.
When I need to hide away and be an introvert for a while before I can extrovert, I like to watch Netflix and chill. In the literal sense. Alone. So please don't invite yourself to come lounge with an extroverting introvert and strike up conversation with them when they are watching the third season of Psych.
4. We will probably zone out.
Actually, maybe it's just me who does that, but I feel like a lot of people can relate. Sometimes after being with people it's easy to lose track of our thoughts and pull out (mentally) of a conversation. It's nothing personal, our mind just has a hard time focusing for long periods of time in public. There is so much to look at, think about, and distract. Sometimes we forget we are with other people when we are starting to need our introvert time.
5. We really do love you.
Deep down we really care for those we are around. Friends and family are gifts that we cherish. Humans are the coolest because everyone is different and it's exciting. If we need to spend time alone, it's not you, it's us, and it really is. it is how we are wired- to love people but need time alone to recharge to spend more time with people who we love.