As a society, we've decided to classify people by forcing them into one of two social classifications: the extroverts and the introverts. I’ve always struggled with putting myself into one of these two very limited categories. Am I an extrovert because I can be somewhat funny and outgoing when I’m comfortable and surrounded by close friends? Or am I an introvert because I tend to prefer my alone time and I pretty much hate meeting new people more than anything? Thanks to some research and browsing of the Internet, I’ve come to realize my true identity as an “introverted extrovert”. What does this mean exactly and what qualifies one to be considered an introverted extroverted? It means we come across as friendly and outgoing in most social situations, but more often than not, we’d rather be at home, rejoicing in our own solitude. We don’t hate people by any means; we just sort of dread the exhaustion that it takes to socialize with them sometimes. We love spending time with close friends, but being in large groups of people who we don't know well is overwhelming and not our first choice of how we'd like to spend our time. I know I’m not alone in this, but just in case you're not sure if this is you, here are 10 relatable situations for all of the antisocial extroverts out there.
When someone asks you why you can't hang out later
The feeling you get when you're surrounded by a group of extroverted people
Walking into a party like
When your parents are having people over and you need to grab something from the kitchen
Your bed is truly your happy place
Secretly rejoicing when your friends cancel plans on you
Feeling completely drained after 2 hours of socializing
When you see someone you know out in public
Being left alone with someone you don't know well and being forced to socialize with them
Making small talk is pretty much your worst nightmare
Always scheming up excuses and reasons to leave early
If this is you, don't beat yourself up for being what has been deemed as " antisocial". Instead, think of yourself as "selectively social", meaning you simply use your time wisely with people you really enjoy.