I love extra credit. Everyone should do every extra opportunity you’re given in the school year. All of them. Extra credit points are free points for a little bit more work, it can boost your grade to make you feel more comfortable (and ready for a mistake), save your grade if you make a dumb mistake (which I’ve done) and literally keep you at a C if you’re on the brink of a C- or lower. It’s extra work, but for free points and even if you don’t end up needing it badly, it was a fantastic placeholder that not every professor offers.
I’ve personally gone as far as writing extra essays, sitting in at a panel, being in a panel, reading an extra book and presenting on it, etc. and sometimes to be quite honest: they’re a lot of fun. Frankly, I quite enjoyed the gender panel I sat in on and listened to the thoughts of professors when it came to the election and gender in general. Part of that may be because it was great to be involved a bit more on campus (which is hard as a commuter), another because I cranked out a paper in twenty minutes and got five free points and finally it came in handy when I forgot to do an assignment (whoops). Also, the time I was in a panel was speaking on crises and it was interesting to hear the crises my other peers spoke of and was great to speak of the crisis my family endured (crises has roots for the word “decision” in case you’re busy not wondering). Then my professor gave me extra credit for speaking on it? That’s so awesome. I just got free points for talking about life.
Let’s not forget, not every professor offers extra credit which makes it just that much more valuable when a professor says, “there’s an extra credit opportunity I’d like you to take advantage of”…advantage. That’s the key word because that’s truly what extra credit is: an advantage. It not only shows your professor you’re willing to put more work in and care about their class, it shows them you’re ready to do what’s asked of and more (which is also nice when employed). Take advantage of the advantage they’re offering, would you say no to five dollars for grabbing a bottle of water for a friend when that bottle is one room over? You better say yes. I also believe that by doing the extra credit, the professor may be willing to write a recommendation down the line because you showed a certain work ethic (also, talk to your professors often).
Look, I’m not forcing you to do extra credit opportunities, I’m just advocating for doing them. What have you to lose? They’re free points and usually it takes about two hours at most to finish them and create more security for your grade. They may save your grade. They may boost you enough to get a C, instead of a C-. Some professors litter little extra credit opportunities throughout the semester and while at the time you may be perfectly fine without any issues, but you never know what’ll happen as the semester goes on. Gosh, now I feel like I’m trying to sell insurance. You know what: yes, I am trying to sell you insurance for your grade. All it’ll take is a little bit of your time for further security for the semester and your GPA down the road.