I'm sure that we can all agree that ex's suck.
Breakups can be messy and people can get hurt, because that is just how they work.
Yet sometimes we can't get over that person because feelings don't just go away with the snap of a finger.
It can take a generous amount of time to heal and to fully get over someone.
But sadly we can't control time, but there are things that can be done to help you get over your ex and move on.
That being said, here are 10 things that you can do to get over your ex.
1. Hang out with friends
Girl's night
Hanging out with your friends can be a great distraction when you are trying to not think about you ex.
Plus, friends can be a great support system, which is something really helpful if you need someone to talk about how you are feeling with.
2. Block them on social media
Block them
Just having them on Instagram or Snap Chat can be hard after a breakup because it will hurt to see what they are doing with out you.
So in the end, it may be best for you to block them so you can fully move on and so you aren't refreshing their Snap location every hour to see where they are.
3. Get busy
Staying busy
Go to the gym, bake, read a book, apply for that job that you have been wanting.
Do anything that will fill up chunks of your day.
This is a great way to stay busy so that you don't have time to wallow and miss them as much.
4. Focus on things that you like
Baby goat yoga
If you like to do yoga, then go do yoga. Figure out how to do new positions that you never knew that you could do.
Put your energy into making you happy and doing things that you enjoy!
This can help keep you distracted and maybe even find some parts of yourself that you felt you lost in a relationship.
5. Reflect on the relationship
Think about what you think went what wrong and what you have learned from it.
Be honest with your self and recognize the good, the bad, and the ugly in the relationship.
This is a great way to help you move on and make you aware of what you want in a future relationship.
6. Listen to some music
Breakup music
If you need to listen to some sad music and cry then do it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. In fact, it is a great way to let your emotions out and that's an important part to leading you to moving on and accepting things for what they are.
If you want to listen to some happy music to put you in a good mood, then you can defiantly do that.
Listen to whatever you want! Music is a great way to help you deal with your emotions.
7. By all means, do not contact them
Do not answer them
No, your hoodie you left with them is not a good enough excuse to text them.
It honestly is just best if you block their number and move on so you don't have the temptation or the option to reach out to them.
If you contact them you are not letting go.
You may be telling yourself that you are or that it is 'to help you let go' but you are not allowing yourself to have closure if you keep talking to them. It's not worth it!
8. Get professional support
Talking to a therapist
There is absolutely no shame in seeking professional help.
It can be extremely helpful and can really allow you to get the best kind of support.
It allows you to talk your feelings out, which is always really helpful.
9. Get your self out there
Tinder in real life
OK, you don't need to jump into the water headfirst and download Tinder, but you defiantly can if you want to!
No matter how you do it, putting yourself out there is always helpful in reminding you that you still got it!