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Why I Write

For me, writing is more than just a time-consuming homework assignment.

Why I Write

I write to connect with others. For many, writing is an assignment created to receive a grade. Directions are followed and often, creativity is lost.

However, for others like me, writing is a door into a world that once you enter, you never want to leave.

In a world dominated by social media, we have lost the face-to-face communication that once was so prominent, and now our easiest form of communication is through writing: Whether it be a text to your best friend, a well-thought Instagram caption, or a 140-character tweet, we are surrounded by writing.

Writing is my easiest was to connect with other. To connect with those who have gone through similar experiences as me and who understand me just based on my writing.

I write to express my creativity. My writing journey began as a discouraged high school student confused with strict rules set in place that made me feel as if I was drowning in grammar and rhetorical devices.

It wasn’t until I was introduced to a more journalistic style of writing that I found my voice. Soon after I became an editor for my high school’s newspaper and editor-in-chief for the yearbook.

I thrive when handed opportunities to express my creativity. I would much rather write a 10-page paper on human existence than take another Economics exam.

This realization is what led me to change my major from Economics to something that involved a little more creativity, which ended up being Integrated Strategic Communication.

While I may not be writing full time, it still allows me to use my creativity to connect with others. Since my writing is usually done in my (very little) free time, I choose to express myself on sites such as Odyssey and other blogging platforms that give me the freedom to decide my topic and let my creative juices flow.

I write to challenge myself. When I sit down to write, I never know whether or not something good is going to come out of it. I enjoy the struggle of trying to find the right word to express my thoughts. Sometimes I sit down expecting to write a novel only to be left staring at an empty page after hours of thought.

However, I don't let my writer's block ever discourage me from trying again because there will be another time where my pencil won't leave the page as hundreds of thoughts are racing through my mind. When I finally complete a piece I enjoy the feedback from others, whether that be criticism or praise.

It's okay for me to hear that what I wrote isn’t the best that I can do.I strive to write to my full potential but I’m okay with enduring all of the challenges that come along with writing. I’m in this for the long haul.
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