No matter your beliefs, political or religious, no matter your class, no matter your race or sexual orientation, you can, and should, lead a life of gratitude. It's a quality so simple that everyone is capable of.
I, like many, am guilty at times of complaining, comparing myself to others, being negative and taking things for granted. It’s so easy to do these things. We complain about the heat instead enjoying the beautiful day. We look at what others have instead of being thankful for what we have. We see the glass half empty instead half full. We forget to keep in mind that someone out there has it harder.
Practicing gratitude can be difficult and seems to only come with important, eventful times in our lives. As a child you’re taught to have manners and say please and thank you, but those acts soon become second nature to us, making them often just habit rather than sincere. To practice gratitude means just that: practice. Put actual application to expressing your appreciation.
We forget to express gratitude for everything positive in our lives, which (most likely) far outweigh the negative. With this quality come great benefits. Regularly expressing gratitude in your everyday life can make you happier and healthier. By taking the time to recognize for what and why you are grateful can improve physical and mental health, sleep and self-esteem.
Although this seems so simple, it can prove tough to follow through with. We become so consumed in our busy lifestyles and routines that it slips our minds. But, if you get serious and commit, it will become a part of your everyday life. Set out everyday to notice something new you’re grateful for. Simply being thankful for your family, friends and health isn’t going to cut it. This can be a good place to start if you show your appreciation through something like a handwritten letter or a sincere phone call to tell someone you love them. Otherwise, you should search for the things that are not right under your nose.
Of course, verbally expressing thanks to someone can go a long way in making you and them feel good, but that’s not the only way. Try journaling. Make it a point to refrain from complaining and look for the good instead. Think about things you love about yourself or items you take for granted instead before you envy someone else. You can go about practicing gratitude in many ways. Get creative and mix it up in order to make this a new and exciting venture for you.