Excuse me, I am about to rant for a quick second. This topic I am very passionate about and it is very personal to me. This article contains some raw emotion.
Ever since I opened up about my sexuality I have had people tell me that I was not what I am. I am TIRED of trying to defend who I am and my identity. Apparently, I don't "look gay" or at least not "gay enough" to be a lesbian. NEW FLASH sexuality is not based on a look.
I have repeatedly been told that I am a lesbian because of many reasons. One person said, "there is a demon in your body, but it will leave soon."
Others have told me that it is a college phase that I will grow out of. I have been told that I must hate men and religion. Some people believe that being a lesbian means I am either disgusting or that I have to be a porn star… Can we just think about this for a minute?
The things I have been told have been ridiculous. My sexuality is not a look, it isn't what clothes I wear, it does not mean I hate a group of people, and it sure as hell has nothing to do with your opinion. Quite frankly, I do NOT care what your opinion is on my sexuality. However, the repeated input I receive constantly is becoming quite irritating.
To the men who have tried converting me into "a straight girl," just stop. Stop flirting with me after being repeatedly being asked to stop. Stop hugging, pulling on my arm, and making any unwanted physical contact when you have been asked to stop. That is wrong no matter who it is. I am not a lesbian because "I haven't found the right man."
To the women who have told me they are straight and not interested, I may be attracted to women, but I am not attracted to all women. You don't say that to every man you meet, so why would you have to say that to me?
To everyone who says that I am weird or that being a lesbian doesn't make sense, I am a human. You may not "understand" and you may not have sexuality in common with me, but I am still a human and it would be nice if you could treat me like one.
If you really think that I would publicly identify as a lesbian for kicks and giggles, you thought dead wrong. Do you think I would come out to purposely be judged, threatened, and overall be discriminated against? No one would do that as a joke.
Sexuality is not a "one size fits all" idea. You don't even have to label yourself as a specific sexuality. What you DO have to do is respect other people.
I am not one to automatically assume that someone is a good or bad person. I don't believe people are good or bad no matter their identities, political views or appearances. What I do believe is that you need to get to know someone before you can even begin to understand who they are.
I am who I am because I am comfortable in my skin. I am comfortable with who I am and what makes up me as a human.
I know who I am, do you?
Have a great morning/day/evening/night! You are all lovely and amazing!
XOXO Lizzer