If you clicked on this article then most likely, you have tried explaining feminism to someone before and watched as the conversation goes really well up until you use the actual word "feminist."
In this article I have shown the "anti-feminist" reactions through memes to depict how ridiculously this conversation typically goes.
Do you believe that all humans should have equal rights?
Do you think that shaving or not shaving your armpits represents your views on equality?
Do you believe that a system in which men have more power, privileges, and rights than women is one we should pursue and/or continue?
Do you believe that there should not be a patriarchy or a matriarchy but instead a system in which neither men nor women rule over the other?
Do you think men and women should be paid the same amount for doing the same job?
Do you think that we should try to rid the world of unfair gender stereotypes?
Do you think that occupational terms should reflect the current workforce, and not the previous gender divisions of occupations?
Do you think that men deserve the same human rights as women?
Would you then consider yourself to be a feminist?
Feminism is about equality.
Whether or not you shave does not determine if you are a feminist.
Feminism addresses the issues of the Patriarchal system.
Saying that there is a problem with the patriarchy does not mean that feminists are demanding a matriarchy.
Feminism wants to stop the gender pay gap.
Feminism wants to address unfair stereotypes placed on men and women.
Feminism asks that language such as gendered occupational terms change in order to reflect gender equality.
Feminists don't hate men.
Feminists can be men or women, shaved or unshaven, don't want to rule over men, and only want equal opportunity and treatment for all genders.
Hopefully your audience will not be as extreme as this, but know that either way this conversation is always worth having. So be brave. Prepare yourself for extreme, nonsensical reactions, and talk about it anyway.