No, I'm not talking about the milk in your fridge. However, that is a great way to think about it! What is “it” I am talking about? It is the timeline of life events. We grow up at a young age with dates and ages on when things should start and end. It starts at the young age of four when we start school and when we are 18 we become adults. In between those ages we are expected to hit many milestones and if we don’t, something is “wrong” with us. We also watch it growing up, or at least I know I did. I saw people in relationships in their teens, getting married in their twenties, and the list goes on and on. But, do we really have expiration date to events in life? Society plays a huge part in this by planting these expiration dates in our head on top of seeing them in life. Media and society tells us have your first boyfriend by ____ age, graduate college in four years, get a well paying job after college at 22, get married by 25, and have kids by 30. Of course all these ages are estimates, but they are true. However, lets remember that we can’t plan our life.
"Be still before the Lord; wait for him. Do not be provoked by the prosperous, nor by malicious schemers." ~Psalm 37:7
Wow! Isn't that great to hear? Sometimes it can be so hard to wait though. We buy our way out of waiting all the time! As Americans, we surpass waiting and try to speed life up by buying things. Items such as the Walt Disney Fastpass, faster cars, fad diets and more are things we look to to please the pace of life we crave. I know I don't like waiting, especially in traffic, but God calls us to wait. Not only to wait though, but also to not let others who are trying to take the easy route drag us with them. What is the easy route? The easy route is to let others build your path for you and to not let God lay out your path in time. We not only as a community, but a nation should take these words so seriously. The rush to make it before the “expiration date” should not exist in our lives. Enjoy the day and the moment that you are in and thank Him for it. Sounds corny? Try it!
I'm not saying it is sinful to want to read what society has to say through social media. I am just telling you events in life have no expiration date! We don't know God's timeline for us and that is okay! Personally, I am learning that it is kinda cool to put your trust in Him for that. Be patient and wait for that moment, don’t take the easy route in your life. Let God guide you and make the path for how he wants to see your life accomplishments glorify him.