Going off to college is a time for many things: To discover who you are and what you stand for, to gain insight about the areas of learning that interest you, to create everlasting friendships, and to grow in every facet of your life. But in order to achieve these fundamental goals of one's collegiate experience, we have to take the monumental leap of faith and fly.
Leaving home can be a difficult pill to swallow in a parent's life, but it is extremely imperative in order to shape this next phase of their child's life; allowing them to explore the unknown future on their own.
All of my life, I have relied on my parents to help me with many things, and always had them there to depend on whenever I needed them, or didn't understand something. Going away to college really helped me learn how to accomplish tasks on my own, and I finally gained a sense of freedom by learning through my own choices.
I truly believe making decisions on your own, whether you succeed or fail is completely part of the college process of growth. It is solely up to the individual to decide what is right and wrong, in the context of their own life. We possess the power to make the adequate choices that will ultimately strengthen or deter our own personal growth.
There is a necessity and significance of "leaving the nest" when this time of life presents itself. Although we are flying away from the people, places, and things that symbolize safety, normalcy, and comfort, we can step into this brand new journey of our lives that can open our eyes and hearts to unfamiliar, yet exciting people and experiences. Though we are becoming more independent people of society and are establishing who our identities are as we live on our own, we will never forget the outpour of love, care, and nurturing that are families have instilled in us throughout our upbringing.
It truly is nice to know that as a college student, although I am establishing a second home, my family [and friends] are always going to be there for me (in the matter of a phone call or a 45-minute drive).
In the long run, the parents of college students genuinely know that going away to college, no matter the distance, is extremely beneficial in establishing character, values, and practical skills for their children.
I strongly encourage students coming into college to spread your wings and soar to new heights, as you create lasting experiences that are going to shape you physically, socially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.