Why Everyone Should Experience Watershed | The Odyssey Online
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Why Everyone Should Experience Watershed

Blue Skies, Sunshine, and Country Music. What More Could You Want?

Why Everyone Should Experience Watershed
Sophie Foreman

Close your eyes. Now I want you to imagine one of the most beautiful landscapes you have ever been to. I want you to feel that warm sunshine pouring onto your skin, the sound of sweet country music blasting from speakers, people singing and swaying, dancing like nobody is watching, and smiling from ear to ear everywhere you look.

I want you to imagine sitting on a soft grass hill watching your favorite artist live while the sun sets behind the stage outlining the Columbia River in yellow, orange, and purple. Now look next to you, your best friends-- probably a little sunburnt, but that is not affecting them. They are singing along with the song, not a care in the world. In that moment, everything seems to feel perfect. Open your eyes. Does this sound like paradise? The annual Watershed Country Music Festival at The Gorge sure comes close.

No matter if you like country music or not, the experience Watershed brings to people is indescribable. The excitement of buying your ticket months in advance, planning your campsite out with friends, purchasing those huge packets of hot dogs and six-packs of beer, and organizing your caravan of six plus cars to camp alongside your best friends assures that every little detail completely pays off in the end.

Whether you are a die-hard ‘shedder, or just a rookie coming for your first time, the feeling that accompanies being at The Gorge can only be described as Happy. I describe this place as happy because here, everyone’s goal is to have fun; there is no judgment-- only welcoming smiles and open arms. People from all walks of life come together over the sound of country music and sunshine.

The beauty of camping at Watershed is that it is for everyone. Flags flying high over every campsite, the picturesque colony of tents ranging in colors and sizes spread for what looks like miles, people kicking up dust with their cowboy boots when walking from tent to tent is my kind of perfect. You have ‘shedders that make this their family vacation, packing up their RVs, pulling out all the stops to camp every year with family and friends. These “clans” ranging up to 20 people consists of brothers, sisters, parents, and cousins—the mothers who plan weeks in advance to know dinners they are cooking, while the dads estimate how much beer they will need. There is no playing around; These people come equipped-- canopies, mini pools, chairs, tables-- the works! I know many amazing families that have gone to Watershed for over five years in a row. The tradition that comes along with people like this keeps rookies such as myself in awe, although we must not forget that there are those such as myself that go with small groups of close friends. It is here that memories are made and friendships are solidified. Those 7 a.m. wake up calls, hot dogs and pasta for every meal, and caravanning to the river with random people to escape the mid-day heat will be some of the times I will never forget.

The concert in itself is unlike anything you can describe. You must go there to truly appreciate just how amazing The Gorge is. Blue skies while sitting on a lush, green grass field surrounded by friends, and friendly strangers make for a perfect afternoon. The music that plays burns a memory of life at the perfect moment inside your head forever. There is not a time when Florida Georgia Line’s, “Dirt” comes on the radio and I am not thinking about dancing on that grass hill, and singing until I have no voice left--It makes me smile just thinking about it. Watershed is a magical place and everyone should mark it off their bucket list sometime in their life.

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