I haven't been to Europe since I was a little kid, but the first time I went was when the EU opened up and allowed the Armenians in. Walking around you saw them begging in the streets, you saw tent streets filled with them sleeping and they constantly asked if you were American. In the beginning of May, my family and I went backpacking in Europe for ten days where we went to 11 different countries. Going over there, I had it in my head that it might be a similar experience with my first trip because of all the refugees that now live in Europe. However, that was not the case.
Walking around Berlin, you're accosted by the refugees to sign petitions, give money or whatever else they're asking for. Other major cities, you see them begging for money or digging in the trash for food. In Brussels, we saw a lady holding her baby and going to the different restaurant tables outside to pick food off the plates of those who were done. Yes, it broke my heart, but I still don't support bringing in refugees into America and here is why.
Everywhere you go, you're immediately targeted for them to come follow you all the way down the road begging for something. My biggest reason is that they are not as "friendly" and "scared" as the media is making them out to be. I'm ashamed of the media for the way that they portray the situation and cover things up. Many of them that I encountered acted very aggressive to the point that they were looking for a fight. Some of the boys acted like punks, the men were acting like a steam pot ready to blow and the women just begged.
This is what gets me: the majority that I saw acted ungrateful, aggressive and looking for a fight even though Europe has bent over backwards for them. Now I'm not saying all of them acted like this because not all of them did. I'm just saying that the media is making them out to be helpless fellow humans that we need to help. We saw a group of boys walking and one of them was throwing a water bottle up in the air about 20 feet at an angle to where it'd come down in front of him quite a bit away. He was literally aiming to hit someone and he continued to do this until he finally hit someone. He hit an older gentlemen with it. The older gentlemen turned around and started to say something when the boy perked up ready to fight. That's one example on why I say they are looking for fights.
On the train from Hungary back to Vienna, these two boys on the train acted very sketchy walking up and down the aisles scouting everyone's bags before they finally took off. The many refugees that I saw, weren't thankful for what Europe has done for them, they were ungrateful and rude.
I'm sorry, but I don't think this is another problem that America needs to take on when we have enough violence and hatred in our country already. We shouldn't have to feel unsafe walking out of our house; we shouldn't have to have our passports or driver's license checked everywhere we go like they do in Europe. Europe tried to help these refugees and plenty of them throw it back in their faces. Sorry, that's not what I think the American people deserve.