For those of you interested in Japan...
I am creating a paid online course focused on teaching Japanese language and exploring culture through virtual reality.
It's called RAW Japan.
There are plenty of courses online offering classroom-based, powerpoint-styled, traditional language instruction.
Lots of flashing vocabulary notecards in your face without any sort of context, etc.
As you may know, when learning anything...
boredom = death
To fill this gap, I will film conversations with native Japanese in different industries and social standings in Japan.
Rather than typical interviews, I will spend considerable time getting to know these people on a human level.
In some cases, even living with them.
Capturing all of the elements in their environment that make them who they are.
Their city. Their friends. Their work.
This approach to learning is similar to being in Japan yourself.
Except, you won't have to deal with all of the growth pains of culture shock, daily life, and a new job while trying to learn a new language.
Of course, I will be consulting professional Japanese language teachers about using this content to teach beginners, intermediates, and advanced students.
For more information on the gritty details about the course itself, go here: