Ah, the college party. It's an experience that many go through, but few talk about. These events are influential in many lives of young college students. It's an event where you can de-stress from the week or just have a good time with your friends. Since there are so many college students who read these article I figured it would be fun to take a ride down memory lane to when you went to your first college party!
1. When your friends text you to go out
2. When you're getting ready
3. When everyone wants to take a million pictures!
Do it for the likes. Everyone's gonna take a million pictures to show everyone how great college is! Prepare for your Snapchat feed to get filled with stories like "We're about to get LIIIIT". Here's a tip, don't be that person!
4. When you show up and see how many people are there
5. When you're there for 10 minutes and your friend is already going nuts
For some people, it's because they were too sheltered growing up. For others, it's because they just don't care. But regardless, everyone has that friend. And if you're sitting here, reading an Odyssey article and nursing a hangover on a Tuesday afternoon, I have a revelation for you, you're that friend.
6. When you realize how hot it is
7. When the guys start acting creepy
8. When your friends keep trying to pour drinks down your throat
Yeah... when you're in that environment, people change. Just know your limits, because that can lead to bigger problems. And you make think that taking down more drinks than usual makes you "totally hardcore", but when you're hugging the toilet at three in the morning, that all go out the window. So please, try to make smart choices.
9. When the cops show up
Unless you have 300 dollars to pay a drinking ticket at Illinois State, stop awkwardly flirting with the TA from your Criminal Justice class and pray you make it out alive. Cause if you don't, you'll either have to make that awkward phone call to your parents or start selling your plasma and pray they never find out.
10. When you can't find your friends
11. When you're trying to get your friend home
Welcome to the greatest challenge of your young life. No matter what they say, no matter how many times they try to lie down in the grass, just get them home!
12. When you need to get them back inside before night ops
Unless you want to have a philosophical conversation with your local police department, you're gonna need to get them back inside before they have to check in.
13. When you wake up and realize you survived the night
You've done well young one, you've done well.
Now I'm not writing this article to glorify underage drinking and partying like it's 1989. I'm writing this because there are many students who do go out and party and much more that will. Take these funny GIFs as a lesson. Be careful, don't be dumb, and have a good time!