Bullet journaling was created by Ryder Carroll. It is a unique way to organize your thoughts and ideas. Basically, there are many ways to set up a journal. The idea is to create an agenda for yourself that works for you. If you go to the bullet journal website, you will see that they have guides and ways to set up your journal. With mine, I followed many YouTube channels but ultimately set it up how I felt worked for me. Here's how it turned out.
I first created a cover page, it simply has my name, 2018, and the words "bullet journal."
I then left a few pages blank to go back and fill in with either drawings or any other things I want to add. Most people create a key with symbols to organize their thoughts, I opted out on this for now.
Then I took four pages and split them into three sections and put each month at the top. This is for any important events during the overall month, for example, school ending and beginning, birthdays, etc.
Following that, I made a page with the header "2018 bucket list," for goals I have set for the year. The next page is titled, "2018 resolutions," for more personal goals I have.
The next page I labeled, "Things to Remember". I haven't decided if I want this to be cool things that I have experienced through the year or just important things like passwords that I need to jot down and have in one place.
After that, I titled the next page, "Quotes to Live By", where I will write little quotes that have meaning to me.
I am an artist so the next few pages I am going to explain will be focused on that, but this could be career pages for anything, a lot of people will make finance pages to keep up with things.
So the next page, I labeled "Art Career" and put social media handles that I have and want to create and my business username in order to keep track of everything I am on. I will probably also write a followers count, and keep up with purchases made. The next page is labeled "ideas", and I made this in order to jot down ideas to enhance my career. For example, drawing a portrait to upload to youtube.
The next page is labeled "side ideas" for any projects on the side I would just like to create. I then have a page called "Odyssey ideas" to list out any thoughts I want to write about on here.
Everything previous is all an intro for the entire year. After all of that begins months.
I create a cover page for the month I'm in, for example a page that says April. Feel free to be creative and add color!
After that, I create a notes page that gathers thoughts that I have for the whole month. Just general things that I want to look back on through the month versus weekly.
Following this, I have two pages dedicated to "weekly". I write down Sun., Mon., Tues., etc. on the two pages and leave space to write anything down for the week just like a normal agenda.
The pages following this are each individual day of the week. So I dedicate an entire page to each day, Monday one page, Tuesday one page, and so on and so on. I do this so I can fill each day with doodles and thoughts. I find it very helpful because it is like a diary and I can do whatever I want with it.
I repeat the weekly and daily ones until I get into the next month, and then I create a cover page again, and start over.
Bullet journaling is so free formed. You can literally do what you want with it. It is so great to have all of your ideas, thoughts, etc. in one place. I like the idea of having a diary, agenda, and organizer all in one. All I used was an old smaller sketchbook I had lying around and some gel pens. It does take a lot to set up, but it is very much worth it!