When I talk to my college friends about high school, they always say the same thing: they HATED it. But I always say the complete opposite, which surprises many people.
I attended an all-girls private Catholic high school! There were uniforms, a Dean of students, name tags, the whole nine.
Even with all of these extra elements most high school students don't experience, I still really enjoyed high school.
Almost every time I mention that I went to an all-girls high school, people give me a look like I told them I went to prison. Their jaws drop and their faces squelch up like they are in dire pain. They say things along the lines of, "Oh my god, that sounds terrible," "Yikes I bet there was so much drama," or my personal favorite, "THERE WEREN'T ANY GUYS?!"
Despite the stereotype, going to an all-girls private school really wasn't that drama-filled.
In my personal experience, there were some arguments among friend groups and rumors like every other high school. Fortunately, there were no cat fights or cliquey mean girls. The uniforms were not cute either and girls did not come in with their hair done up and a full face of makeup.
Just to paint a picture, every girl would roll into school with their hair in a messy bun, Dunkin' coffee in one hand, and a textbook in the other. Girls played sports, stressed over college essays, and all the other normal things all high school kids experience. Surprise, surprise, it was just...high school.
As for the "no boys" thing, it's completely possible and quite refreshing honestly.
The absence of the male species actually made the environment much more open. All the students could relate to one another because the entire student body consisted of teenage girls! There was less distraction and because we were all teenage girls just trying to get through high school and we could all be more empathetic towards one another. We understood what each other was going through and that brought the girls in the school together.
Since my high school was all girls, there were some experiences you would only find at an all-girls school.
For example, I don't know many other high schools that blast "Hannah Montana" or the "High School Musical" soundtracks. There is also the added bonus of being able to walk into a classroom and openly ask anyone in the room for a tampon. It is one of those luxuries that you take for granted.
One of the biggest takeaways I received from attending my school is the lesson of female empowerment. Of course, I learned about World War 1 and what a thesis statement is, but I also learned about some other nontraditional high school subjects.
High school is where I learned about women in the workforce, in literature, and in history. I discovered the things I valued and wanted to strive for in the future. I learned about supporting other women and equality.
Most importantly, I learned about leadership and what that means to me.
Not only did I learn more about myself, but I was blessed to have met some of the most incredible people as well. From my amazing friends who I still hang out with, to the teachers who have impacted my life in more ways than I can explain. My high school helped shape me into me!
So to the people who pity me when I describe my high school: No, I do not regret going to an all-girls private Catholic high school. It was one of the best experiences of my life, and there are days when I genuinely miss it.
I credit my high school for making me the strong, confident, and educated woman I am today.
Padua Academy, thank you.