If You Care About The Size Of Your Wedding Ring, Don’t Get Married | The Odyssey Online
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If You Care About The Size Of Your Wedding Ring, Don’t Get Married

The cost of a ring shouldn't determine the answer to being with someone for the rest of your lives.

If You Care About The Size Of Your Wedding Ring, Don’t Get Married

Before I get started, let me just take a minute to talk briefly about what marriage is. Marriage is a way of binding the everlasting love between two people. A commitment between two people, to love each other and support each other through bad and good, till death do them part...

So, why is it important for you to get that expensive diamond?

It's a serious question!

If the person you are with decided that they want to be with you for the rest of your lives, is 'how big is the ring?' the first thing to come to your mind in that moment? If it is, maybe you should consider this...

You love this person, (or at least I hope you do if you are with them) if how much a piece of jewelry cost is more important than the thought of getting to be with that person every day, then you don't deserve that commitment, that everlasting love.


Love is supposed to be selfless. You are giving yourself to another human being, a side of yourself that nobody else gets to experience other than them. You are trusting someone enough to give them your heart and soul and pray to God they don't break it.

You give that person every part of you.

Both the beautiful and the not so beautiful.

You give them the dressed for fancy dinner, but you also give them the sweatpants, hair tied, binge-watching Netflix for 13 hours too. And you trust that they will love you despite all odds. That's special...actually that's more than special...

That's life.

That is a perfect life. To be with the person you love everyday, experiencing every single new adventure together. Overcoming all obstacles with them to help push you further through every step of the way. To be able to come home to them and tell them about your day and to be able to fall asleep next to them. To be able to tell people you're with them for the long run, and that you aren't going anywhere.

But, if you really need that big, expensive diamond ring, well honey, go find someone rich and marry for money because you aren't going to marry for love like that.

Money shouldn't be the first thing on your mind.

The first thing on your mind when it comes to marriage is, do I love this person enough to spend the rest of my life with them?

Do I love this person enough to give them that support, to help them through every obstacle, to take on every new adventure one step at a time, as a team?

Because that's what you are agreeing to when you get married. You are agreeing to be a team. If you can't answer yes without hesitation to those questions, don't get married. If you need a big diamond ring in order to be with the person you love for the rest of your lives, don't get married.

That person deserves more than someone who is too self-absorbed in the materialistic things to realize that they love you and all of you.

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