We all have expectations for things, but there are very few times they actually end up how we had wanted.
1. Summer
2. Taking Pictures on the Beach
We all probably have seen and saved multiple cute beach pictures over the year that we plan to recreate for our Instagram, however, those pictures rarely go as planned.
3. Getting out of the Pool
We've all seen the classic movies scenes where the flawless actors and actresses look amazing getting out of the pool. Leave it to us to try and recreate those impossible standards and end up looking like a wet dog.
4. Weekend Plans
Ah, yes the dreadful week has come to an end now it is time for all the fun and partying you will be taking part in over the weekend! Or so you thought. There comes a time where we always end up just sitting in alone with our pets enjoying a nice movie to ourselves.
5. Dating
Whether it be the first date or a few more down the road, everyone loves a little class and romance. When it comes down to dating the expectations and reality saga really plays a role in the game especially if you're doing it online.
6. Online Shopping
Hasn't everyone made this mistake before? Online pictures can be very misleading when it comes to online shopping so DO NOT be fooled. You get what you paid for I guess.
7. Makeup
Ladies, this one is for you. I think we can all relate to this one on a spiritual level. Ever tried to get that eyeliner just right? Chances are you ended up with a black eyelid.
8. Messy Bun and Getting Stuff Done
Another one for my fellow ladies, or boys since the man bun is in, I suppose! The messy bun is an art of all art. This hairstyle is a masterpiece and no one understands the struggle until they have spent 10 minutes with numb arms and countless amounts of bobby pins perfecting it.
9. Haircuts from Hell
I'm more than confident we all have that one or five embarrassing school photos with that awkward haircut we just had to have. Or even today we show our stylist a photograph and they say "Oh, of course, I can do that!" To later find out, they could not once it's too late.
10. Sleeping with Pets
Pet owners expect to be cuddled up with their furry friend for the night to get a full nights rest. That is never the case. With cats, you wake up with them on your face, your neck, or pawing at you. With dogs, you might as well give up the whole bed because there is no winning that battle.