As I'm writing this very article, I have an adorable little kitten named Atticus (pictured above) sitting on my shoulder. My biased opinion is that he is the most friendly and sweet little guy you could ever meet! My fiancé and I just adopted Atticus from the Humane Society in Normal, IL.
I have had too many cats in my life to count whereas my fiancé has had zero, so he is definitely the one getting used to having another living being in the house. As I have been teaching him how to train Atticus, I realized there are so many details that go into raising a cat that I didn't think about. So many things to expect when you first bring your new friend home.
Below is a (very) abbreviated list of things you should know if you're planning on adopting a cat in the future.
Many, many visitors.
People love baby animals. Even if they aren't "cat people," a ton of your friends and family will want to come meet your new little fur baby.
Litter box training.
Something you may not think of if you haven't had cats before, but your little guy or gal will need to learn where the litter box is at so you don't find messes around your house.
(I recommend keeping your kitten in a small space, the bathroom, with their litter box and food for a few days and then moving it to a more permanent space later.)
A few scratches . . .
Kittens don't have much (if any) control of their claws yet, so you definitely will be getting your fair share of scratches. Make sure to train your kitten to not scratch by using a squirt bottle or a loud noise to deter them from scratching.
Let the kitten-proofing begin!
Kittens will get into anything and everything they can. The first few hours they're at their new home will be spent running around, exploring, and figuring out how much they can their paws on.
(Be sure to remove anything dangerous to the kitten from your house or hide it in a high cabinet they can't reach.)
Your house can get kinda messy.
Cats are so adorable . . . but even these little guys can make huge messes! So far Atticus has decided to try and knock our puzzle off the kitchen table, eat Kleenexes, and climb on top of the TV stand. Be prepared to train your friend to stay out of anything you don't want scratched or broken.
Infinite cuddles
Your kitten will be so happy they're adopted that they will not want to stop snuggling with you! And if they have a sweet personality, they will want to continue cuddling with you forever.
No more privacy.
Your kitten will want to follow you . . . everywhere. From the bathroom, to the bedroom, to the kitchen; they will want to be with you constantly. Be prepared for little meows trailing close behind you for a while.
Surprise attacks!
You never know when your cat is going to pounce! Especially when you have a box (if they fits, they sits), noisy papers, or a loud keyboard.
A new family dynamic.
Your new kitten adds a whole new aspect to your family. Not only will they cuddle with you during movie nights, they might sleep on your favorite chair. Embrace the love!
Fur . . . everywhere.
Cat fur gets everywhere. When I was in college, I would find cat hair on my black pants even though I wasn't living with a cat at the time! It spreads and it stays. Think of the fur as your kitten giving you some of their love to take with you and remind you of them.
Never wanting to leave the house.
It's so, so hard to leave a cute little face like this behind! Especially when they're meowing for you to stay. The lazy days spent at home are the best because you can give your buddy the attention they deserve.
A new best friend.
There's no love like the love a cat can give you.
Getting a kitten is one of the most exciting things you can do. And if or when you do get one, I hope you enjoy every minute of it.