Everyone entering college has different things that they expect; we all expect for our dorms to look amazing, the food to be 100 times better than high school food, we expect to do all of these crazy things and experience life like we never have before, but in all honesty that's not always the case.
Dorm Life
Expectation: Having your dorm look just like all of the pictures you spent hours pinning on Pinterest.
Reality: You never actually have enough room for everything that you want to do to it and even when you finally get it how you want it probably wont stay clean for more than a day.
Working Out
Expectation: You fully plan to take advantage of the really nice rec centers and not gain any weight while in college.
Reality: The rec center is probably 30 minutes away from you dorm, the walk there and back is enough exercise. Plus don't forget abut all of that walking you have been doing to get to all of your classes.
Expectations: You are going to have enough time to nap after all of your classes and enough time to sleep eight hours a night.
Reality: Your schedule does not allow you to take naps and the only "nap" you get is that four hour interrupted sleep you get before the next day.
Expectation: They won't all require you to get the book, you won't actually have to attend every class, and the work load wont be that bad and you might actually get bored.
Reality: Your professor does not respect the syllabus day rules and uses the entire hour and a half of class, attendance is mandatory, you need your text book and you can already feel your class work piling up.
Expectation: You will do your laundry at the end of every week like a mature adult would do.
Reality: You go to do your laundry and realize how much there really is and decide it can wait another week.
Making Friends
Expectations: You are terrified about not making friends and you're worried that people will smell how socially awkward you are.
Reality: Everyone is in the same boat and everyone is trying to meet new people, so just say something to the people you live next to or the person you sit next to in your math class. Odds are you'll make plenty of friends.
Dining Halls
Expectation: You plan to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the dining halls so you use all of your meal swipes. You also plan to eat only healthy food while at the dining hall.
Reality: You probably don't wake up in time before your classes to get breakfast, you probably have a class during the normal lunch times, and by the time you are ready for dinner you have already walked back to your dorm and just eat snacks for dinner because getting out of bed just isn't worth it.
Expectations: You and your roommate will have an instant connection and you are going to have endless amount of fun and it will be like having a slumber party every night!
Reality: If you're lucky enough you'll have a connection with your roommate, it won't be instant. Your first nights together will be some of the most awkward times of your life. If you do have that connection you probably won't have as much time together as you think because your schedules will be so different you'll be lucky enough to see them before you shut your eyes for bed.
Expectation: You are going to look extra cute everyday for class.
Reality: You roll out of bed right before and try to match everything with running shorts and a pair of Chacos.
Expectation: You have a scheduled time of when you're going to study and you are totally going to have your life together.
Reality: Who are you kidding? You honestly don't know what you are doing and you barely make it to class on time to know when the homework is even due.
Expectation: You are going to go to every themed party you hear about and embrace your new found freedom.
Reality: You are actually too lazy to get dressed and ready for the parties so you just stay in your dorm and binge watch Netflix.