5 Expectations For Colton Underwood’s Season Of 'The Bachelor' | The Odyssey Online
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5 Expectations For Colton Underwood’s Season Of 'The Bachelor'

"When 30 women vie for a chance at love with a total hunk, their true colors come out..."

5 Expectations For Colton Underwood’s Season Of 'The Bachelor'

As we crazy Bachelor/Bachelorette fans gear ourselves up for yet ANOTHER season of laughs, love, and of course drama, I have my fair share of opinions of this season's Bachelor, Colton Underwood. Colton, who first dated Olympic gymnast, Aly Raisman, I was in awe of their relationship. He had put out a tweet hoping Aly would stumble across it, asking her out when she returned from the Olympics. She then said yes and the rest is history. They made red carpet appearances and appeared to be a happy couple. Unfortunately, their relationship ended and Colton then found himself on "The Bachelorette" Season 14 with Becca Kufrin, a very popular Bachelorette.

Colton charmed us all with his smile, his eyes, his chiseled body, and of course his personality. Many knew Colton as the former football player and advocate for cystic fibrosis, which his cousin has been fighting since birth. But what most people know Colton for is that he is a virgin. Fans of the show seemed to be torn with their views on this, and while that is not what I am here to write to you about, this is a key factor in Colton's experience in searching for his future wife.

Lots and lots of drama

Will this season be the MOST DRAMATIC season of them all? In all honesty, is any Bachelor season ever complete without someone either not being there for the right reasons, going to the hospital or crying their eyes out?

A sea of tears

Sure, when you think you care about someone and your heart gets broken, you want to cry. That's normal. But when it's the first or second night at the Bachelor Mansion and girls are crying and hyperventilating, you know it's going to be a LONG season full of drama.

A world record of “Can I steal him for a second?”

For those who aren't fans of the show, often times, the contestants' claws come out in an effort to get their time with the Bachelor, before each episode's Rose Ceremony.

Cat fights

When 30 women vie for a chance at love with a total hunk, their true colors come out. Women show their insecurities through arguments and occasionally physical contact.


Again, with 30 contestants hoping to find love with Colton, they will go to great lengths to try and make that perfect first impression. Many will introduce themselves with corny jokes, while others will slip in an inappropriate pun. These catch phrases are then judged by the fans as to who are the fan favorites and who become the villains.

Fans and non-fans, I hope this gave you a little insight of what to expect with Colton's season! Don't forget, tune in Monday, January 7th at 8pm on ABC to watch Colton's journey step by step!

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