For the longest time I thought I expected too much from the guys I was dating. I expected them to be ambitious, to pursue me and to be a good person. I expected them to be kind and to be willing to do anything for me. After watching relationships end, I thought to myself that maybe my expectations were too high and that the perfect guy did not exist. Let me be clear though, I was only expecting what I was willing to be and do for my significant other. I expected my significant other to be just as ambitious and kind as me. To pursue me just as much as I pursued him. My expectations were not too high for the perfect man, but they will continuously be too high for the wrong man.
Recently I have been thinking about the perfect man. Some people say he doesn't exist and some say he does and is different for everyone. I have been praying for my perfect man wherever he is that he loves the Lord and is praying for me. I have been thinking about what he will be like and what he will have that past significant others did not have.
The man of my dreams will be ambitious. He will work hard to reach every goal he sets. He will have motivation and will aspire for greatness. With his motivation to be the best person he can be, he will aspire the same out of me. We will have our own separate dreams and have common ones as well. We will work together to be the best people we can be together and apart. We will encourage each other to reach our dreams and never be selfish to stand in the way of the other's dreams. I will never want to stand in the way of someone and their dreams.
The man of my dreams will pursue me for my heart. He will love me and work to make our relationship work. When I ask him what he wants to do for date night, he won't just say, "I don't know," or shrug it off like it's nothing. He will plan nights to sweep me off my feet, but also remember that a night in watching movies is always one of my favorite nights. But I don't just expect him to come up with plans for date night. I will plan adventures and dates for us because a relationship takes two people, not one putting in all the effort.
My expectations are not setting me up for disapointment and they are not too high because some day the man of my dreams will finally meet them. I will be willing to do anything for the right guy and he will be doing to do anything for me. I will be willing to put my heart on the line for someone and I expect them to do the same. I will be willing to drive hours and travel to make a relationship work, and I expect them to do the same. I expect the man of my dreams to meet me halfway and meet me in the middle. My expectations are not too high, because everything I expect my perfect man to do for me, I would be more than willing to do for him.