I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying, “Expect the Unexpected” and while it is interpreted that one should be aware that just about anything can happen, it's important to note that everyone has expectations. Low expectations are still expectations, even if they are minimal. The point I’m trying to make is that there are many different kinds of expectations ranging from personal expectations, expectations for others, unrealistic expectations, high expectations, and as I mentioned, low expectations. While it is important to have some expectations, you shouldn’t have such high expectations, like everything else in life when it comes to expectations, what you expect from others and yourself, there needs to be a balance. We always have to straddle this line between too much and not enough, whether it's intake of food and water, exercise, sleep, how much one works, and even how much one socializes. The same can be said for expectations. Having too many expectations can be harmful but not having enough can be just as harmful. Either way, you have the ability to set yourself up for disappointment. Having too many expectations can detrimental because when expectations aren’t met it can cause disappointment, and while some disappointment is healthy, too much can lead to negativity and pessimism. There is only so much disappointment one can take before they stop expecting things of others and even themselves, but having low expectations is also damaging. Having low expectations can reinforce negativity. It can cause one not to expect much from themselves or others, and with no expectations for anything good or positive they can become depressed and sometimes even despondent if they don’t have hopes or expectations of themselves or others.
Having expectations for yourself is important, it gives you purpose and an idea of where you want to go in life, what you want to do, or perhaps, just a purpose to get from point A to point B and work from there. Not everyone has it figured out, and that is okay. But having too high expectations isn’t the best way to go either, the problem comes in when these high expectations aren’t met. We’re not always nice to ourselves and when we don’t meet our own expectations it can cause one to feel down, and even beat themselves up over it. The world is already a difficult place and there are already high expectations placed on you. You don’t need to beat yourself up. You should be picking yourself up and reminding yourself of all that you have already accomplished. Tell yourself you’ll get to it another time. Don’t be so hard on yourself, the world already is.
Expectations of others is a bit more tricky, you should have expectations, and even though they won’t always be met they will help you hold people accountable. They will keep your expectations firm. But, again, high expectations can be trouble. It’s hard to live up to someone else's expectations of you and remember that the next time you feel like you have to live up to someone's expectations.
Don’t expect too much, don’t expect too little, but expect something. There is a balance, you just have to find it.