It's been just under a year since I began my college journey, and well I have to say I've learned a lot, it hasn't been what I would have imagined even a few weeks before I arrived. So for all the seniors out there preparing for college, I have a few tips.
College isn't scary unless you're afraid of weight gain, which might be the only accurate college stereotype I've encountered. Everything might seem overwhelming at first, but you'll figure out the campus in a few days, and your gen-ed classes are more similar to high school courses than you would expect. And well, lecture halls can be intimidating at first, they're actually better than small classrooms if you're uninterested in what's being taught.
2. No, college won't "change you"
As much as people like to pretend that college is chalked full of life experience, the fact is most of your time will be spent stressing out in the frumpy clothes you told yourself you wouldn't wear every day. Yes, you'll have new experiences and meet new people, but unless you go out of your way to change, college isn't going to make you a new or better person.
3. But that doesn't mean you won't change
That probably sounds contradictory-- but the fact is we're all changing all the time. No, college probably won't change you, but that doesn't mean you'll leave the exact same person you walked in as. Just don't expect anything life-shattering.
4. You won't magically become an adult
As much as I'd like to say I understand societal obligations of adults better now, I don't. The logistics of health Insurance still confuses me, the cost of groceries is mind-boggling and I still don't like making my own appointments. College is a time to grow-- and you'll need that time more than you think.
5. But you will grow up some
Because if you didn't, you'd probably never go to class and routinely end up in a dunk tank. There are certain aspects of college life that require maturity-- though you're still far from being an adult.
6. And realize that you'd rather not
Student Loans: need I say more? Realizing that your financial future depends on this does create a fair amount of stress.
7. You will have fun times
If college is one thing, it's fun. There's a reason so many people don't finish. Don't go into college afraid you're going to have a bad time -- fun will find you if you let it. Just remember that as with everything in life, moderation is key.
8. And not-so-fun times
Life is hard at times-- and college is no exception. You'll bomb tests, get into fights with your roommates and struggle with life, all while being away from home for the first time. But remember, that you're never really alone at college.
9. But overall, it's a good experience
I'm far from a social butterfly, but college has been a genuinely good experience. So don't waste your time stressing out about how it's going to be-- because you really won't know until you get there.