Starting college is one of the most stressful, exciting, nerve-wracking, and awkward times of your life. You are starting to live your life on your own for the first time. No matter how many articles you read on how to prepare for college, you still feel like you are going into the world blind. I'm here to tell you it's okay to feel that way! Every single person that has been to college has felt the same way. It is completely normal. I have just gotten through my first week of college and I am going to tell you what to expect so you have somewhat of an idea what you are getting into!
1. You will get lost
I know one of the things I was stressed about when I started college was being late to class because of getting lost. It's normal, no need to stress about it! Your professor will be understanding your first class session if you run a few minutes late because you were trying to find the classroom. After you take a few classes, you won't even have to look at your map to figure out where to go.
2. Figuring out a schedule
One thing that is a pain to figure out but a necessity for college is creating a schedule. Being in college, you have to do a lot of things on your own other then just homework like high school. Now you will have homework, essays, readings, projects, and all of the things you need to do to live. If you don't organize it all, you will forget something. I suggest getting a planner and writing down all of your classes and assignments.
3. Finding time to eat
During your first week, you are going to be so busy with things to do. Between classes, getting your dorm room together if you live on campus, getting books, etc. I know my first two days of classes I barley ate anything because I was so busy. Don't make that mistake! Make time to eat to fuel your body. If you don't eat, you will get tired and not feel your best and that is something you don't need in your first week of college.
4. Finding yourself
Most people think that you find yourself and figure out what you want to be in high school. That's not completely true. You start to mature and start to explore your options in high school. Once you start college, the whole world opens up to you. You see all of the different majors people have, all the different personalities and start to realize who you are yourself because unlike high school, You don't have that peer pressure pushing you one way or another. The first week of college, you start realizing who you really are.
5. Meeting new people
Depending on your college, there are people from all over the country, possibly the world attending your school. Meeting new people can sometimes be a challenge but keep your mind open! You may find yourself friends with people you never thought you would be friends with. The first week everyone feels awkward and is quiet because nobody knows each other, but once you start to loosen up you will find that there are some great people! Be open and don't be shy! Keep in mind everyone else is feeling the same way as you.
Even though starting college will be a little scary at first, you will find it will be some of the best times of your life. There will be times where you think you should just give up but don't stress to much about it and remember everyone else has been through or is going through the same thing. There are so many people at any college that would be more then willing to help you with any questions you may have. Don't be scared to ask! Just keep your goals in mind and have fun!