We have an expectation for almost everything; life, friendships, school, jobs. We like to see the best in every situation. We give friends the benefit of the doubt, we turn in an assignment with an expectation of an A grade, we expect to have a happy life, it's the goal.
We're told to look at the glass half full, because looking at the glass half empty is just plain pessimistic. We remember to have faith and always find the silver lining of every situation, so that is what I did, until someone told me my expectations were too high. Ouch.
I thought to look at people in the best light but after being let down one too many times I began to learn not everyone was raised the same, not everyone grew up in the same environment, and not everyone is you. I thought everyone had the same understanding as myself, thought as I did, and would act as I would. Ignorance is bliss. I had an expectation that they would respond, that they would react as I would, and when they wouldn't I was crushed. But honestly, I don't think it's actually what people do or don't do that hurts us, it's who did it.
We have high expectations for the people closest to us in life. Our family and friends stand high on the pedestal in our head. So, when they hurt us, deceive us, or don't respond in the way we expect, well shit, it doesn't hurt it stings. It's deeper than what we expected, but the worst action that follows this sting, is our brain going in circles questioning everything. Questioning our friendship, who that person is, how close you really are with them.
I was getting lunch with a friend a few weeks back and she said something that really stood out to me. At first, I found her argument to be a bit bleak, but with further consideration I saw where she was coming from.
" It's funny who we call our best friends, and say we know everything about them, but in reality, we have known them only the years of college, which for me has only been a year"
So here it is. We'll start with the glass half full view. While yes this is true, the friendship time frame has been short, these are the people we spend every day with. No rules, real life problems, no parents to regulate our lives. They're our ride or dies, our sleepover buddy, derds day partner, and best secret keeper. For once, we get to pick our friends rather than the people in our high school, we spend our days how we want, with who we want.
Well shit, glass half empty. It really only has been a year maybe two, that's not forever, merely a small percentage of our lives. I think I know people all the time but when I am let down people ask me "are you surprised", well yeah, I am that's my best friend, I know them like the back of my hand, but do I?
Coming back to school I thought relationships would fall right back into place, it would be like we never left. With some people it was exactly that, and others time took a toll. I expected to be able to get right back into school, living away from home, but all I do is procrastinate my homework and facetime my sister.
I don't think having expectations is a bad thing. I think sometimes they just aren't realistic. I like to dream but sometimes need a little help getting back to reality. Just some food for thought.