The Lions Gate portal is now open! The Lions Gate portal opens on August 8th and will close on the 25th. The first week of the portals opening emotions were running wild. Nonetheless, in those emotions you found things among yourself that could change. This is the time you'll expand to your true self, and witness miraculous changes happen in your life.
How many times did we find ourselves in science class going over every type of energy there is? Not including the one we produce ourselves into the universe. Source energy is just as real as any other energy, but dismissed by doctors and scientist purely because it's not medicine or in their books.
We are the extensions of Source Energy. As others see me, they act like I'm performing magic. But the gag is, it only seems like magic because it's only experienced by a few. If you're having a hard time finding yourself in a place of peace, try reading my last article on How to Live Easy and Breezy ( you have to come back here though).
Energy is the currency of the universe. What we pay attention to, buys us that experience. For example, when I used to work at Dreamland eventually it wasn't a happy place for me. I'd pay the universe with my negativity on how someone would annoy me, and nonetheless someone annoyed me. It taught me to be selective with what I focus on or I'd find myself in a grumpy mood. Remember whatever is going on in your mind is what you're attracting into your life.
Abraham Hicks said that emotion is an indicator of what you are already creating. He also stated in his teachings that the relationship you have with others, is a direct reflection of the relationship you have with yourself. The people you allow into your life are the projections of yourself. You can change the people in your life but new ones with the same dynamics will still appear.
In this time, expect for new people to come in, expect more questions to arise, expect more wonderful stories ( more like lessons), expect for your mind to be expanded through the experiences of others. Understand that any mistake you have made, is mistake turned into a lesson.
This is of high importance to all of humanity, for the path of liberation and freedom from EGO's and self-destruction will come to an end. You can only be successful if you discipline your mind to not fall into any negative states. Your energy must be steady, loving, peaceful, and harmonious. By the 25th of this month, you should be able to anchor into your true self.