Yes, I know, I am a despicable human being. How dare I go against God? How dare I not be a fully committed Wiccan? I actually don't really tell people what I believe because some have thought I was crazy and others thought that I was going to Hell. Which is strange because I don't really believe that there is a Hell. Now, I'm not here to argue with who's right or wrong, or argue about religion at all! I am here to give you insight on what another religion might be like from your own. I hope that it may spark some interest in you so that you can do more research and have a better understanding of others around you. Also before we begin I would like to state that I am not an expert on this topic by any means. I am speaking from my own experiences and beliefs.
I would first like to start off by saying that I was raised Catholic. As I learned more about the world and the different types of religion I grew into some more "occult" beliefs.
What is a Christian Witch? A Christian Witch is someone who may believe in the Christian God but practices witchcraft or have other pagan beliefs. We wake up every morning just like everyone else, get dressed, have a cup of coffee, say a spell or two. Oh? You don't say spells, well that's OK! Spells are not what most people think them to be. They are more of an incantation with crystals, herbs, or infused water. I view them as a way to put positive energy into the day, my life, or even other's lives, which also brings me to another fun fact.
In Pagan beliefs there is a law called the Threefold Law (also know as the Law of Return). This states that anything you do unto someone, comes back threefold. I personally, believe in this law. I do my best to treat others with respect and kindness just out of a good heart; however, if someone is unkind to me, I see no reason to take out revenge against them.
I mentioned crystals earlier, this is also something that varies greatly from me and other Christians. I enjoy using crystals to heal the human mind, body, and spirit. Most Christians don't usually believe in this type of healing. To me, there is nothing more satisfying than keeping one of your favorite crystals in your pocket and feeling it's positive energy all day!
Now here is where the Christian part comes in. The main difference between a Christian Witch and being Wiccan, is that I only believe in one God, whereas Wicca is a polytheistic religion. In addition, I celebrate Christian holidays like Lent, Christmas, and Easter (though the Wiccan holidays sound fascinating). The way I also view my beliefs is that God has given us gifts upon this Earth that we can use to make the world a better place. I feel as if God is very loving and kind. He would want us to help others however we can.
Unfortunately, not everything is daisies and sunshine.. Fortunately, my parents are very accepting of my personal beliefs, in fact, even my mom is into some of the same things. My peers, on the other hand, not so much. I never told anyone what I believed in because I knew I would be criticized for it. A good portion of people actually criticized me and didn't even know it. I often felt hurt, isolated, guilty, and like God would actually punish me for what I had felt was right in my heart. For a long time I felt suppressed, there was no way I could be my true self.
After quite sometime, I finally realized I was not with the right people I needed in my life. Let this be a piece of advice: You should always keep those that support you entirely in your life. They are the ones who will help you flourish and become the best you can be. Getting that support in my life meant a lot. I can now embrace who I am as a person and proudly help others through my beliefs. I hope you all do the same as well.