You’re gonna hear a lot of things coming into a new year. People have their famous “New Years resolutions” that either go really well or fail after a few weeks. You have t,hose who think there is nothing special about a new year, and you have those that look at the new year as a way of starting over. Well, in my honest opinion, however you go about it is OK. It is OK to make a resolution for the new year! When something is starting fresh, it’s natural for you to feel that way too. Personally, I believe you are given a start each day you wake up. However, sometimes this hype comes with the new year and then goes away. It can be a little difficult to predict how things will be in the new year. Here’s a little secret. You can’t! You can’t really count on sticking with anything and you can’t make plans because you have no idea what your future circumstances will be. But, there is still room to be optimistic! With that being said, here are some encouraging non-circumstantial thoughts that will make you excited for this new year!
Personal Growth
Look at yourself right now. Can you honestly say that you are much different from who you were in the beginning of last year? No, I don’t mean you switched personalities. I mean that you’ve experienced things, you have learned, you have matured. If you can say “yes” to that question, if you can say you’ve come out of last year different than how you’ve come in (hopefully better), then imagine how much you will grow this year. Maybe you’ll start that club you’ve always wanted to start, visit that new destination, learn that thing you’ve always wanted to learn how to do, learn a language, adopt a pet, become comfortable with things you were once shy about, uncover a hidden talent, or find yourself. You never know what you’re going to learn, experience, or encounter this year!
You have about 365 days to make a difference. Apart from it being a new year, that is a whole lot of time for a pretty endless number of opportunity! This could be a random job opportunity, research project, travel destination, study abroad opportunity, internship, or even to try that new restaurant you’d never imagined eating at. Keep those eyes open; lots of doors are waiting to be opened!
If you’re anything like me, you could say that you’ve met tons of people this year that have changed your life somehow. This is a whole new year to meet new people, run into old friends, have surprisingly random conversations with strangers while waiting in a line somewhere, to meet your best friend, a famous person, or even the love of your life. If you’re the resolution type, think about keeping that heart open and engage in others! You meet the most important people when you least expect it.
Summer concerts, amusement parks, random adventure, vacation, those awesome nights with your friends, and a whole lot of other fun things could be awaiting you this year.