8. Highly-anticipated new reads | The Odyssey Online
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9 Exciting Events To Raise A Glass To In 2019

2019 will give us something to celebrate all year long. Cheers!

9 Exciting Events To Raise A Glass To In 2019

After the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year that was 2018, we deserve some good news. Here are a few things to look forward to come January 1.

1. Thousands of creative works enter into the public domain.

January 1, 2019 will signal the release of a multitude of works from 1923, the largest overflow of content into the public domain since 1998. James P. Johnson's "Charleston", Charlie Chaplin's silent film "The Pilgrim", and a variety of other art, literature, and music will now be legal to view and sell. Exciting times.

2. FIFA Women's World Cup

Prediction: Women will continue to dominate the world in 2019. (U-S-A! U-S-A!)

3. Royal. Baby. 

The precious sequel to the dreamiest moment of 2018.

4. The final installment of Phase 3 in the MCU

Didn't think I'd make it through 2018 alive, but after "Endgame" I think my chances of surviving 2019 are even lower.

5. Fortnite World Cup

You already know about this if you're a hardcore Fortniter, particularly the bit about the prize being a whopping $100 million. Epic Games launched the qualifiers for the merit-based competition back in the fall, and the World Cup will be hosted in late 2019.

6. The Grand Canyon's 100th birthday as a national park

If you're looking to road trip the heck out of this upcoming summer, the Grand Canyon might be a worthwhile trip. No doubt the National Park Service has some fun planned to celebrate the canyon's national park centennial.

7. "Star Wars" themed parks come to Disney

Disney families, your wait is over. "Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge" is arriving in Disneyland this summer, and in the fall for Walt Disney World. Featuring a Millenium Falcon ride, a Star Wars hotel, and a cantina that *actually* serves alcohol. Stock up those mini-vans, moms.

8. Highly-anticipated new reads

No matter what year it is, good reads are always something to look forward to. This year, Margaret Atwood's "The Testaments" is coming to bookstores, the long-awaited sequel to the best-selling "The Handmaid's Tale."

9. "Episode IX"

Two "Star Wars" references in one article? I might be a nerd, sorry. The reboot franchise has had a difficult time, what with all the controversy and the death of our beloved Carrie Fisher surrounding production. Only time will tell if the conclusion to this new generation will please fans and clean up the messy plot, or fade quietly into the horizon like Luke Skywalker.

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