As I write this article, there are 11 days left in B Term. Most people say that C Term is the worst term, but let me say that this B Term 2016 has be exceptionally hard and I cannot wait until it is over. When this article is published we will be in the last full week of the term with a four day week next week. Sounds easy right? Well, the days will most likely drag but that's okay! Check out the reasons why I'm so excited for this term to finally end!
1. IQP will be over!
It was a great experience while it lasted. But I will be so happy when that 100 page report and final presentation are over and out of my thoughts!
2. I get to sleep more.
Weekends have just become work days too. It's great. I think the first thing I'll do when I get home is take a nap.
3. I get to go home.
I literally can't wait to see my family and have home cooked meals again.
4. I literally don't have to worry about ANYTHING school related.
I don't need to make sure IQP stuff gets submitted, no club meetings, no events to try to fit into my never ending schedule...WHAT IS THIS?!
5. I get to be with my boyfriend.
It will be so amazing not to have to Skype him and actually physically be with him.
6. Christmas is coming!
While I'm super excited to get presents, I'm way more excited to give my family their presents! They're already wrapped and everything!
7. So is the New Year!
Maybe 2017 will be a bit better?
I wish everyone the best of luck as B Term ends and enjoy your winter break!