If you are anything like me, you think winter sucks. Winter is miserable. Winter in college is 100x worse. You have to bundle up in 500 layers to walk to class, there is a constant fear of getting sick without your mom, and canceling class for snow is not a thing. So, while it is now 75 degrees in February where I am at, here is a list of things to get you excited for spring.
1. Warm weather!!
Need I say more?
2. Spring Wardrobe
The tanks, the shorts, the sandals!!!
3. Close to Summer!!
Who can't wait for some pool days!!
4. Spring Break!!!!!!!!!
No Ragrats
5. Happier People
Since the warm weather has happened, there is an Eno garden, a constant game for frisbee, and all around more joy on campus.
6. The oversized-tees and shorts to class
Isn't that everyone's favorite attire?
7. Pelican's !!!
If you don't have this, sorry. Basically, it's an oversized snow cone.
8. Baseball Season
9. Top off the Jeep
This may not be #relatable to all, but it is pretty stinking great if you have a friend who has a jeep.
10. Being Productive Outside
Homework outside, Yes!
11. Iced Coffee Season
I mean, it's pretty much always iced coffee season, but at least you aren't getting dirty looks from people like you do in the winter.
12. Vitamin D
Who doesn't love a little color!!
13. Fruit Variety
I could have an eternal list for this, but I will leave you with two words. Strawberries and Peaches!!!!
14. Easter!!!
I feel like this doesn't deserve a bunch of !!! considering what Jesus had to go through, but also, it's how you and I will get to hang out with him! Yay!
So congrats, you are almost to the part of the year where it gets really good! Enjoy the sunshine and spring breeze!